チケットメニュー チケット購入
Formula 1 LENOVO Japanese Grand Prix 2025: Terms and Conditions

The promoter of the FORMULA 1 LENOVO JAPANESE GRAND PRIX 2025 (the “Event”) being held at the SUZUKA CIRCUIT (the “Venue”) is Honda Mobilityland Corporation (“Promoter”).
The Promoter reserves the right to make amendments to these “Terms and Conditions”, which can be found at [https://www.suzukacircuit.jp/f1/ticket/terms.html], from time to time, where it has a valid reason to do so (including, without limitation, a change in the operational, security or health and safety requirements of the Promoter and/or Venue). By purchasing or using any ticket, you hereby agree to abide by these Conditions of Entry.

Please read the following notes carefully.

  • * You must carefully safeguard and keep the ticket (hereinafter, including e-tickets) at hand until the end of the Event.
  • * This ticket can be used by one person during the indicated period. You will be refused entry to the Venue without this ticket.
  • * When requested by the attendant, please present your tickets promptly.
  • * Changes after purchasing a ticket can only be made in the prescribed manner and only if the ticket is electronic and is approved by the Promoter.
  • * The ticket cannot be canceled or reissued regardless of the reason, such as theft, loss, or if the ticket is burnt, defaced, damaged, or forgotten on the day of the Event.
  • *If this ticket is designated as a voucher (“voucher ticket”) that needs to be exchanged for an admission ticket, the holder is required to exchange it for the admission ticket at the designated place and time/date in exchange for this voucher ticket to enter the Venue. If you use the voucher ticket before the exchange (also prior to exchanging it for the admission ticket), this voucher ticket becomes void.
  • * The ticket is valid for three days from April 4th (Fri.) to April 6th (Sun.) (except for Friday-only tickets).
  • * The ticket price includes admission to the Park and a Park Passport (all-you-can-ride) for four days from April 3rd (Thursday) to April 6th (Sunday) as a complimentary gift.
  • ※ Formula 1 Paddock Club™, VIP Suite Premium, Gran View, R-BOX, S-BOX, V1 seats, V2 seats, and S seats (Family seat) are reserved for three days on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and other seats are reserved for two days on Saturday and Sunday.
  • * On Friday, all areas except Formula 1 Paddock Club™, VIP Suite Premium, Gran View, R-BOX, S-BOX, V1 seats, V2 seats, and S seats (Family seat), Photographer-exclusive Area are non-reserved seats.
  • *Reserved seat ticket holders can enter the West Area (G (Overpass)/J/L/M/N/O/P) from April 5th (Fri.) to April 7th (Sun.).
  • *The “West Area” ticket includes admission to the spectator areas and designated areas (G (Overpass)/J/L/M/N/O/P). There is no designation of area nor seat.
  • * "Photographer Area" tickets (photographing area exclusively for photographers) include admission to the spectator areas and designated special photography area, but if you require a seat, please purchase separately.
  • ※ Please note that you will be refused entry to the Suzuka Circuit amusement park “Suzuka Circuit Park” and/or the racing venue if you don’t hold a ticket valid for the designated age group. U23 covers 16 years old to 23 years old (on the race day) and presentation of IDs etc. (certification of public institution issuance or health insurance card) that can confirm your age at the time of entrance is necessary. “Juniors” are defined as children from ages 7 to 15 years old, and “Infants” are defined as those from ages 3 (full 3 years old on the race day) to 6 (full 6 years old on the race day) years. Children, infants or their parent(s) (guardian(s) are required to present the relevant IDs (official certificate issued by the competent authorities, health insurance card, etc.) certifying their age or date of birth.
  • * Tickets with extended validity of three days or longer (hereinafter “extended tickets”) are for advance-purchase only, with which you may enter the Venue on the race day, and you may gain access to the Venue to view activities on the day(s) specified other than the race day (free of charge) that comes with the extended tickets. “One-Day” ticket or “Today’s” ticket allows you to gain access to the Venue only on the day (“the relevant day”) designated on the ticket (only if one-day ticket or today’s ticket sale scheme is provided).
  • * Based on the race regulations for the main race, if the main race on the race day is completed, the event is considered completed, and refunds will be made only if the event is not completed. The conditions for a main race to be completed differ for each race and are determined by the organizer. However, for advance 1-day tickets, it is considered completed when the major event is held on the relevant day (Major event will be determined by the Promoter).
  • * Refund of event tickets is only eligible if the event on the race day is not completed, and the tickets are not eligible for a refund if any other events on the day(s) other than the race day are not completed.
  • * You may be entitled to a refund for extended tickets, only if the Event on the race day did not take place, but not if any other event on the day(s) other than the race day is cancelled. “One-Day” tickets or “Today’s” tickets are refundable, only if the event scheduled for the relevant day is cancelled. You may be entitled to a refund for tickets purchased for a fee and only through official ticket sales channels. Refunds will be made during the period and at locations specified. No refunds will be made if tickets are too severely damaged or defaced to be legible, or if you are not able to present tickets. No other related costs including accommodations and travel expenses will be reimbursed. Refunds for the Event rescheduled will be offered only if the Event rescheduled did not take place. Reimbursements will be made for the price of tickets purchased through official ticket sale channels. No compensation whatsoever will be made for the price of any tickets purchased through ticket touts, other patrons or auctions. We will not refund either even if you are unable to attend due to bad weather, disasters, or traffic interruptions that are caused by them.
  • * The Promoter reserves the right to make alterations due to unforeseen circumstances to any part of the programs scheduled for any given day within a reasonable degree.
  • * The Event date or timetable may be subject to change (no compensation will be made for any change of Event date or timetable).
  • * For seat reservation, the computer system automatically searches, allocates, and designates the seats according to the number of tickets purchased. Please sit in your designated seat.
  • * Unauthorized transfer and resale of tickets using any means other than the official resale service provided by our company is strictly prohibited.
  • * No ticket for the Event may be on-sold or offered for resale for any form of fee or reward without the prior written consent of the Promoter and Formula One World Championship Limited (FOWC) first being obtained and without complying with these Conditions of Entry in all respects.
  • * No ticket for the Event may be used by any person for advertising, promotional or commercial purposes including without limitation, prizes, competitions, contests, sweepstakes or packaged with hospitality or other products without the prior written consent of FOWC and the Promoter first being obtained.
  • * The Promoter reserves the right to refuse admission to (or eject from) the Venue any person (a) not complying with these Conditions of Entry; (b) not in possession of a valid ticket; (c) who is in possession of a ticket which has been sold or used other than in compliance with these Conditions of Entry; or (d) on grounds of health, safety, security or maintaining good public order.
  • * Resale of tickets for any commercial gain is strictly prohibited. This ticket, if resold, becomes void and the holder may be refused admission to the Venue. The Promoter will take no responsibility for any problem that may occur with tickets obtained through resale.
  • ※ For the sake of safety, please follow all instructions given by attendants etc.. We will not be held responsible for any accidents that occur due to failure to follow instructions and precautions. The Promoter, Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA) or FOWC (and its affiliates) shall not be liable whatsoever for any accident that may occur as a result of non-compliance with the instructions of attendants etc..
  • * For the sake of safety, please follow all instructions given by officials. The Promoter, Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA) or FOWC (and its affiliates) shall not be liable whatsoever for any accident that may occur as a result of non-compliance with official’s instructions.
  • * No smoking in the Venue including the amusement park, racing venue, viewing areas and stands. Smoking is permitted only in the designated areas.
  • * No pets, bicycles, skateboards, kick scooters, self-propelled vehicles such as tricycles and/or drones are permitted into the Venue.
  • * No articles that could compromise public safety are permitted into the Venue.
  • * Please refrain from using large telephoto camera lenses while in reserved seating, as they could cause nuisance to other patrons around. (Cameras with telephoto lenses with a total length of 26cm or more are not allowed)
  • ※ Please do not engage in any acts that would cause nuisance to others.
  • * The Promoter reserves the right to refuse entry to the Venue to any person belonging to anti-social forces or persons equivalent to them.
  • * During the Event, the noise level may be very loud within the Venue. You are advised to wear hearing protection during races and other track activity to reduce the risk of hearing damage.
  • * The F1 FORMULA 1 logo, F1 logo, FORMULA 1, F1, FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, JAPANESE GRAND PRIX and related marks are trademarks of Formula One Licensing BV, a Formula 1 company. All rights reserved.
You must not make, create, store, record or transmit any kind of sound recording, visual footage or audio-visual footage (“Recording”), or store, record or transmit any information or other data, including official timing, results, performance, telemetry, weather or race control data (“Data”) of, at, or in relation to the Event. It is forbidden to take into the Venue any equipment that may enable you to do the aforementioned acts. Personal electronic devices (including still image cameras, mobile telephones and other handheld personal communications devices) are permitted within the Venue unless otherwise advised, provided that any Recording, Data and any image, including photographic images and any still pictures derived or capable of being derived from a Recording (“Image”) of the Event that is recorded, stored and/or created thereon is used for personal, private and non-commercial purposes only.

As a condition of entry to the Venue you agree that (a) the use of any such Recording, Data or Image for any form of public advertisement, display, commercial gain or for any other purpose (except for your private enjoyment) without the prior written consent of FOWC is strictly forbidden and will constitute a breach of these Conditions of Entry for which you may be liable; and (b) on request by the Promoter or FOWC, you shall assign to FOWC in writing the copyright and all other intellectual property in any Image or Recording that you create, make, store or record of, at or in relation to the Event; and (c) you consent to the use by FOWC (and by any third party authorized by FOWC from time to time) for the purposes of or in connection with any publication, exhibition or broadcast (including any advertising or promotional literature, campaign or material) in any media worldwide, in perpetuity and on a royalty-free basis, and approved by FOWC of any still or moving picture images taken at the Event where such image includes any image of you, your voice or your likeness and you waive any and all of your personality and privacy rights to the extent necessary to permit such use. No person may use the name of the Event or part thereof (nor any abbreviation or foreign language version thereof) nor any logo or graphic device of or relating to the Event for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of FOWC first being obtained exercisable in FOWC’s discretion. (This is the Japanese translation of the English text, the latter of which will prevail in the Event of any dispute.)
You acknowledge that motor racing, the Event and certain activities associated with the Event (including without limitation support events) are dangerous and you agree to attend at your own risk.
The Promoter, sanctioning bodies, Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA), FOWC and its affiliates, including Formula One Management Limited, Formula One Licensing B.V., Formula One Asset Management Limited, Formula One Hospitality and Event Services Limited, Formula Motorsport Limited, Formula One Marketing Limited, persons involved in the organisation of the Event (including officials, marshals, rescue and medical staff), the competitors and drivers (such parties to include where relevant all directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors and affiliated companies), are not responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused to you or your property to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of Japan (save that nothing in these conditions limits or excludes (a) liability for death or personal injury arising out of the negligence of any of the above mentioned parties, or (b) any damage incurred by way of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by any of the above mentioned parties).
[Spectator Safety]
Despite the Promoter (Suzuka Circuit) taking all reasonable safety precautions, you are warned that spectator safety cannot be completely guaranteed. You are advised to consider your own safety.

[Imagery Rights]
FOWC reserves the rights in all images, recordings and data of the Event. In this respect, FOWC and/or their nominated entities can use any image or video footage recorded or originated of or at the Event that may contain images or likeness of patrons at the event in live coverage, broadcast or replay (in whole or in part). Patrons present at the Event are kindly requested not to do any acts that may interfere with FOWC’s rights or not to cause such acts to be done.

[Notes on Parking]

  • * For the parking ticket, please present the QR code when you first enter the venue. We will exchange it for a special parking ticket valid for the period.
  • * A parking pass must be displayed on the inside of the windshield or dashboard of a car when passing through the entrance gate and while parked in the parking lot.
  • * A parking pass is valid only for one vehicle during the validity period indicated.
  • * A vehicle without a parking pass will be refused entry to the parking lot.
  • * When requested by an attendant, please present your parking pass promptly.
  • * A parking pass cannot be refunded or reissued regardless of the reason, such as theft, loss, or if the ticket is burnt, defaced, damaged, or forgotten on the day of the Event.
  • * A parking space has an area of up to 5 m long × 2.5 m wide per vehicle.
    A vehicle that is so large that people cannot get in and out of it within this space cannot be parked.
  • * Please watch for pedestrians and other vehicles in the parking lot.
    Always drive below 20 km/h and stop or slow down on a safety-first basis.
    The Promoter, FOWC (and its affiliates) and the FIA, will not be liable for any theft, damage, fire or personal injury suffered in the parking lot. Setting up tents or any temporary structures in the parking lot as well as use of any products that may cause a fire are not permitted.
  • * If a pass has a parking space number designated, please park at the space assigned.

Suzuka Circuit, Honda Mobilityland Corporation
510-0295 7992, Ino-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie, Japan
Tel: 059-378-1111
