Traffic Education Center TopWhat is the Traffic Education Center?Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center 50 Years of Progress
With the opening of the expressway, white motorcycle unit members were required to acquire advanced driving skills and knowledge to handle the dangers of high-speed driving.
Training for skilled motorcycle police officers.
Practical training that thoroughly covers the basics of driving: "Accelerate, Turn, Stop," along with theoretical explanations on how to drive safely at high speeds.
As a result of the training, while general traffic accidents have surged, the accidents involving white motorcycle police officers have decreased.
The experience of the authorities that implementing proper education reduces accidents became the catalyst for subsequent traffic education.
This marks the beginning of the safe driving training that continues to this day and is also the origin of the Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center.
Since 1965, we have conducted safe driving training for companies at the request of businesses that focused on the effectiveness of training for white motorcycle unit members.
Since then, we have conducted numerous training sessions each year in response to requests from government agencies, companies, and schools that engage in daily work using motorcycles and automobiles, and we have been dedicated to preventing traffic accidents in operational driving.
In terms of traffic accident prevention for companies, we provide support for all aspects of corporate traffic safety, including not only training for drivers but also the creation of internal rules and qualification systems regarding the operation of company vehicles, as well as the training of safe driving instructors.
The Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center, which started with training for emergency vehicles, has conducted various courses tailored to the special needs of different drivers.
In terms of vehicles, we accommodate not only general two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles but also large trucks, aerial work platforms, mobile sales vehicles, vehicle transport trailers, three-wheeled motorcycles, and delivery motorcycles. We continuously create and evolve new training programs tailored to the actual usage and business content of corporate vehicles, including night driving, emergency driving, loaded driving, and vehicle guidance methods by driving assistants.
Participants will experience their own position and the position of others through practical exercises, think in conjunction with theory, and derive what they should do. We believe that the conclusions drawn from personal experience, thought, and deduction will lead to "sustainable safe behavior" accompanied by awareness and confidence.
In conducting training with white motorcycles and patrol cars, the necessity of holding competitions aimed at further improving safe driving was considered, and the Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center will cooperate in the development of competition methods, teaching methods, and the creation of challenges.
In 1969, the "1st National White Motorcycle Safety Driving Competition" organized by the National Police Agency was held, and it continued to be held at SUZUKA CIRCUIT until the 24th competition in 1992.
In addition, the motorcycle safe driving contest, held in 1968, which is now the National Motorcycle Safe Driving Championship, moved its venue to SUZUKA CIRCUIT in 1978 and continues to be held to this day.
Through the holding of these two events, in addition to improving driving skills, the importance of helmets and apparel was also recognized, contributing to the subsequent development of technology for the uniforms and riding gear of motorcycle police officers, greatly impacting the safety of riders.
After that, we held safe driving competitions in the delivery and transportation industries. We are currently also cooperating with safe driving competitions for driving instructors at driving schools nationwide, as well as safety events for various companies.
Participating in the event leads to improved safe driving skills and awareness, as well as enhanced leadership abilities for instructors.
In the 1970s, motorcycle gangs became a major social issue, and there was an increasing tendency to simply associate young people riding motorcycles with being part of a gang.
Therefore, we have expanded the safe driving training that we have been conducting for government agencies and corporate drivers to high school students as well. The idea behind this is that "instead of distancing young people from motorcycles, it is necessary to provide safety education so that youth can become responsible participants in traffic."
In 1978, the number of 2 wheel owners exceeded 10 million, and with a rapid increase in the number of casualties from 2 wheel accidents, the "Honda Motorcyclist School (HMS)" was launched to focus on educating beginner riders.
This is a school where you can safely experience the basic operations of medium and large motorcycles and the limits of both yourself and the motorcycle using actual vehicles after obtaining your license.
In the 1990s, the number of motorcycle fatalities began to decline, while traffic accidents involving 4 wheels became a social issue.
In such circumstances, the "Honda Driving School (HDS)" aimed at four-wheel drivers started in 1991.
In 1994, the "Parents and children enjoy motorcycles" event began, allowing families to share the experience of riding motorcycles while considering traffic rules and manners, deepening family bonds.
We help those who love motorcycles and cars to continue enjoying safe driving for a long time by enhancing their driving skills and safety mindset.
Dream CB450
Dream CB550
VF750 Saber
CIVIC Training Specification
(Until 2006)CB1300SF
(until 2007)
As the traffic environment changes and vehicle safety technologies evolve, the Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center continues to evolve, having undergone a complete renewal in 2007 to create a traffic education environment that meets the diverse needs of course participants.
Using detailed data and recorded footage provided by the computer system, we continue to develop training programs aimed at improving awareness and behavior by allowing participants to "become aware of their own driving," programs that consider nighttime driving, which has a high incidence of serious accidents, and programs designed to correctly understand the various safety devices equipped in vehicles, all tailored to the changing traffic environment.
No matter how advanced car safety technology becomes, it is still "people" who are driving the car.
By cultivating drivers with not only driving skills but also a mindset for driving and consideration for those around them, we aim for the safety of all people coexisting in a mobility society.
Based on this unchanging belief since its founding, the Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center has evolved together with Honda.