Make your bike life more enjoyable!
The Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center offers courses that are easier to understand and tailored to your skills and objectives.
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Introduction to the programPROGRAM
We are introducing the school programs through videos.
Course IntroductionCOURSE
Choose a course that suits your purpose!
Discover new fun! New challenges are exciting!
Bikes are available for free rental on all courses, so you can feel at ease even if you don't have your own bike.
1stLet's Ride a BikeIf you are participating for the first time, click here
Beginner Town Ride Challenge Course

Let's be able to run through the city.
Intermediate Touring Ride Challenge Course

Let's be able to go touring.
Veteran Riders and newcomers, come this way.
2ndLet's Ride a Bike If you're a repeat visitor, click here
Intermediate Sporty Ride Challenge Course

For those who want to enjoy riding motorcycles, click here.
3rdLet's Ride a Bike For those who want to experience the fun of maneuvering in a "real" way, click here
Safety Skill TestSafety Skill TestYour own riding
technique reflection course
Intermediate Technical Ride Course

For those who want to fully enjoy the fun of biking, click here.
Skill Assessment Course

Check your safety skills on a scale of 1 to 10.