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Kart Race in SUZUKA

2022 Suzuka Championship Series Round 3 Kart Race in SUZUKA
SUPER SS  Second Chance Heat Results Table

DATE:2022-06-19&nbsp WEATHER: Fine&nbsp COURSE: Dry&nbsp International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 16 Hayato KobayashiCL/YAMAHABSTIGRE6 5'43.17579.56km/h  56.519
2 28 Kouka SandoKOSMIC/YAMAHABSBRAVO-RACING6 5'45.340 2.165 2.165 56.680
3 29 Kenji HirataCRG/YAMAHABSRS Nakatsuchi6 5'46.086 2.911 0.746 56.920
4 26 Kyoichi HashimotoTECNO/YAMAHABSThirties Racing6 5'46.333 3.158 0.247 56.789
5 71 Nobuyuki TanahashiTONYKART/YAMAHABSRT Kuma + Ash Marushin HSC6 5'46.541 3.366 0.208 56.736
6 90 Takeyuki TakenakaMach One/YAMAHABS30's Racing6 5'46.750 3.575 0.209 56.614
Above: Advancement to the Final Heat
7 24 Shinji YuasaTONY KART/YAMAHABSRT.HISTORY6 5'47.481 4.306 0.731 56.344
8 21 Tatsuo AkiyamaGILLARD/YAMAHABSAsh with jaja6 5'47.736 4.561 0.255 56.461
9 66 Katsuyuki YamamotoRoza Dragocorse/YAMAHABSRam Racing with Monkey Wrench6 5'48.421 5.246 0.685 56.794
10 44 Yutaro MiyazakiIntrepid/YAMAHABSWELLSTONE KC6 5'49.484 6.309 1.063 56.796
11 23 Nobuhide FujiokaMACH 1/YAMAHABSEHRE motorsport6 5'50.128 6.953 0.644 56.817
12 36 Shigeru Nozakicrocpromotion/YAMAHABSTrentaquattro Suzuka6 5'51.438 8.263 1.310 57.034
13 56 Takayuki YonekuraTONY KART/YAMAHABST-WEST-RS6 5'52.907 9.732 1.469 57.459
14 70 Shigehiro OsawaExsplit/YAMAHABSTrentaquattro Suzuka6 5'53.168 9.993 0.261 57.019
15 12 Keiki TsujiiKOSMIC/YAMAHABSEHRE motorsport6 5'59.265 16.090 6.097 56.584
16 49 Nobutaka KitanoEIKO/YAMAHABSHIRAI PROJECT with ASH5 5'10.155 1Lap 1Lap 56.747
17 53 Tomomi MiyazakiTony Kart/YAMAHABSJACKAL HKC3 2'58.457 3 Laps2 Laps 56.983
18 38 Yasuo Oicrocpromotion/YAMAHABSTrentaquattro Suzuka3 2'58.800 3 Laps 0.279 57.052
19 47 Kazuhiko YamashitaDrago CORSE/YAMAHABSGren Blue RT3 2'58.521 3 Laps 0.064 57.264

Fastest Lap No. 24 Shinji Yuasa RT.HISTORY 56.344 5/6 80.76km/h

Due to a violation of Article 22 of the JAF Domestic Kart Competition Regulations regarding the prohibition of obstruction (unreasonable entry), No. 47 will be placed 3rd place lower from their finishing position.