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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2022 Suzuka Championship Series Round 3 Kart Race in SUZUKA
Senior MAX Qualifying Heat Results

DATE:2022-06-19 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 13 Kenta Kumagaikr/ROTAXMOJOkp buzz10 8'18.58691.27km/h  49.520
2 3 Daiyo YamaguchiLN KART/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN10 8'19.638 1.052 1.052 49.701
3 30 Rikuto TamahashiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJO30's RACING10 8'20.747 2.161 1.109 49.754
4 11 Hitoshi SakaiKR/ROTAXMOJOLUCE MOTOR SPORTS10 8'20.971 2.385 0.224 49.823
5 23 Yuzuki TamahashiTONY KART/ROTAXMOJO30s Racing10 8'21.306 2.720 0.335 49.782
6 1 Ren TomitaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOTeam EMATY10 8'23.108 4.522 1.802 49.874
7 15 Hayato OyamadaDrago Corse/ROTAXMOJOGrenBlue RT10 8'23.394 4.808 0.286 49.910
8 12 Haruto UedaLN/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ10 8'22.734 4.148  49.834
9 34 Mitsuhiro KimuraEIKO/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro10 8'23.717 5.131 0.983 49.921
10 14 Hayato IidaKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ10 8'23.789 5.203 0.072 49.745
11 18 Yukio TsukamotoEiko/ROTAXMOJOGrenBlue RT10 8'23.191 4.605  49.838
12 40 Naoki OtsukiTony/ROTAXMOJOASH10 8'24.016 5.430 0.825 49.841
13 45 Soma YamaokaClock Promotion/ROTAXMOJOHEROes10 8'24.401 5.815 0.385 49.858
14 95 Kishi KojiKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ10 8'25.040 6.454 0.639 49.959
15 7 Masato WatanabeDragoCORCE/ROTAXMOJONEXT-ONE Racing10 8'26.931 8.345 1.891 50.132
16 51 Yuto IkenoKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOMOMOX KART RACING10 8'27.901 9.315 0.970 49.820
17 62 Yuuya HattoriTony/ROTAXMOJOAsh10 8'28.174 9.588 0.273 49.997
18 10 Yutaka KitanoDRAGO CORSE/ROTAXMOJOEHRE motorsport10 8'26.377 7.791  49.987
19 46 Shogo NezakiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOLUCE MOTOR SPORTS10 8'28.383 9.797 2.006 50.308
20 83 Junki TakiguchiClock/ROTAXMOJOWISE karting team10 8'29.078 10.492 0.695 50.259
21 25 Haruka MiyawakiDrago Corse/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro Nagoya10 8'29.495 10.909 0.417 50.204
22 8 Kojiro KaizukaCosmic/ROTAXMOJOHeroes9 8'31.694 1Lap 1Lap 50.161
23 21 Ryuuki HayashiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOKakie Racing Team7 5'59.173 3 Laps2 Laps 50.145
24 47 Kazuya KondoExprit/ROTAXMOJOAsh7 6'19.550 3 Laps 20.377 50.596
25 56 Naoto IwataTONY KART/ROTAXMOJOFortune Works Peter Pan0  10 Laps7 Laps 

Fastest Lap No. 13 Kenta Kumagai kp buzz 49.520 7/10 91.89km/h

Due to a starting violation (corridor) as per Article 30 of the Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations No. 12, the position will be adjusted to 3 places lower than the finishing order.
No. 18 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 30 - 1) Start Violation (Corridor) will result in a position three places lower than the finishing order.
No.10 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 30 - 1) (1) Due to a start violation (corridor), the position will be ranked 3 places lower than the finishing order.
No. 8 Due to a violation of Article 32 (Flag Signals (Yellow Flag)) of the Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations, one lap has been deducted.
Due to a violation of Article 22 of the JAF Domestic Karting Competition Rules regarding the prohibition of obstruction (crowding), No. 56 will be placed 3 positions lower than their finishing position.