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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2022 Suzuka Championship Series Round 1 Kart Race in SUZUKA
Senior MAX Final Heat Official Results Table

DATE:2022-04-17 WEATHER: Rain COURSE: Wet International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 30 Rikuto TamahashiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJO30's Racing13 12'16.32480.34km/h  56.358
2 23 Yuzuki TamahashiTONY KART/ROTAXMOJO30sRacing13 12'17.942 1.618 1.618 56.369
3 1 Ren TomitaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOTeam EMATY13 12'19.586 3.262 1.644 56.353
4 11 Hitoshi SakaiKR/ROTAXMOJOLUCEMOTORSPORTS13 12'23.227 6.903 3.641 56.766
5 3 Daiyo YamaguchiLN KART/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN13 12'23.771 7.447 0.544 56.750
6 12 Haruto UedaLN/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ13 12'24.556 8.232 0.785 56.715
7 7 Masato WatanabeDragoCORSE/ROTAXMOJONEXT-ONE Racing13 12'25.370 9.046 0.814 56.572
8 13 Kenta KumagaiKR/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ13 12'25.929 9.605 0.559 56.038
9 34 Mitsuhiro KimuraEIKO/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro13 12'30.288 13.964 4.359 56.697
10 95 Kishi KojiKART REBUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ13 12'31.760 15.436 1.472 57.145
11 40 Naoki OtsukiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOAsh13 12'33.579 17.255 1.819 57.339
12 14 Hayato IidaKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ13 12'33.755 17.431 0.176 57.237
13 51 Yuto IkenoKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOMOMOX KART RACING13 12'33.952 17.628 0.197 57.018
14 15 Hayato OyamadaDrago Corse/ROTAXMOJOGrenBlue RT13 12'37.244 20.920 3.292 57.499
15 46 Shogo NezakiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOLUCE MOTOR &nbsp13 12'37.658 21.334 0.414 57.506
16 93 Masaya TakahashiREDSPEED/ROTAXMOJONEXT-ONE Racing13 12'38.653 22.329 0.995 57.220
17 45 Soma YamaokaTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOHEROes13 12'39.967 23.643 1.314 57.152
18 25 Haruka MiyawakiDRAGO CORCE/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro Nagoya13 12'41.678 25.354 1.711 57.445
19 56 Naoto IwataTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOpitaapan13 12'44.288 27.964 2.610 57.804
20 18 Yukio TsukamotoCrocpromotion/ROTAXMOJOGrenBlue RT13 12'48.331 32.007 4.043 58.378
21 26 Seira TomitaTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ13 12'49.813 33.489 1.482 57.238
22 83 Junki TakiguchiDRAGO CORSE/ROTAXMOJOWISE karting team13 12'54.430 38.106 4.617 57.678
Below the finish line not crossed:
23 47 Kazuya KondoExprit/ROTAXMOJOAsh9 10'20.226 4 Laps4 Laps 57.903
Total laps completed:

Fastest Lap No. 13 Kenta Kumagai KP BUZZ 56.038 11/13 81.20km/h

No. 26 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) Violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No. 83 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) Violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No.47 JAF Domestic Kart Competition Regulations Article 22 (Prohibition of Interference (PUSHING/BLOCKING)) violation results in a position 3 places lower than the finishing order.