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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2022 Suzuka Championship Series Round 1 Kart Race in SUZUKA
Junior MAX Final Heat Official Results

DATE:2022-04-17 WEATHER: Rain COURSE: Wet International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 11 Yuzuki SatoEXPRIT /ROTAXMOJORT WORLD13 12'23.11649.5mph  56.936
2 18 Yuto NakaiKR/ROTAXMOJOTEAM EMATY13 12'27.009 3.893 3.893 57.102
3 16 Soichiro ShiotaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN13 12'28.577 5.461 1.568 57.117
4 8 Riku AkihaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJO30S`Raing13 12'29.301 6.185 0.724 57.084
5 30 Taiga TokuokaTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOThirties Racing13 12'32.071 8.955 2.770 57.377
6 32 Hattori SoraTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOC.O.B-kart13 12'36.250 13.134 4.179 57.400
7 58 Shun SekiguchiPAROLIN/ROTAXMOJOERS with SACCESS13 12'38.366 15.250 2.116 56.834
8 7 Shuma TasakiLN/ROTAXMOJOAAAmotorsuports13 12'48.218 25.102 9.852 57.569
9 66 Mizuki InoueEXPRIT/ROTAXMOJOAAA Motorsports13 12'48.319 25.203 0.101 57.956
10 14 Shinta ShomaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN13 12'34.123 11.007  57.021
11 21 Ryuta InoueDragoCORSE/ROTAXMOJOLamb Racing13 12'44.440 21.324 10.317 57.326
12 20 Ancient TakumaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN13 12'53.273 30.157 8.833 57.866
13 93 Ryuto YonezuKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOThirties Racing13 12'53.315 30.199 0.042 57.968
14 12 Yoshihiro OkaiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOAAAmotorsuports13 12'55.413 32.297 2.098 58.133
15 22 Soutaro IchinomiyaKR/ROTAXMOJOKAKIE Racing Team13 12'52.788 29.672  58.330
16 42 Shiraishi AnKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN13 12'58.774 35.658 5.986 58.832
17 31 Shunki Ichikawakosmic/ROTAXMOJOGlobal13 13'12.483 49.367 13.709 59.749
Total laps completed:
  24 Rei ShiraishiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN1 1'27.270 12 Laps12 Laps 1'27.270
  34 Junya KanekoCrocpromotion/ROTAXMOJOLamb Racing0  13 Laps1Lap 
  10 Kota DobashiDrago CORCE/ROTAXMOJOLamb Racing0  13 Laps 0.000 

Fastest Lap No. 58 Shun Sekiguchi ERS with SACCESS 56.834 11/13 80.06km/h

No.21 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 30 - 1) Start Violation (Corridor) will result in a position three places lower than the finishing order.
No.22 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 30 - 1) (1) Due to a start violation (corridor), the position will be ranked 3 places lower than the finishing order.
No.10 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 30 - 1) (1) Due to a start violation (corridor), the position will be ranked 3 places lower than the finishing order.
No.14 JAF Domestic Kart Competition Regulations Regulations Regarding Kart Competition Management Article 22 (Prohibition of Interference (PUSHING)) violation will result in a position 5 places lower than the finishing order.
No. 14 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No. 21 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2) (Front Fairing) Violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No.7 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No.66 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2) (Front Fairing) Violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No. 22 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2) (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No. 20 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) Violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No.93 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2) (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No. 12 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2) (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.