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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2021 SUZUKA Championship Series Round 6 Kart Race in SUZUKA
Senior MAX Qualifying Heat Results

DATE:2021-09-26 WEATHER: Rain COURSE: Wet International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 31 Kenta KumagaiKR/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ8 8'32.93970.97km/h  1'03.483
2 23 Yuzuki TamahashiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJO30's RACING8 8'34.000 1.061 1.061 1'03.897
3 13 Ren TomitaKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOTeam EMATY8 8'37.465 4.526 3.465 1'04.011
4 27 Hamakichi HarutoTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOPLORISSA M.S8 8'38.409 5.470 0.944 1'03.742
5 1 Daiyo YamaguchiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN8 8'38.594 5.655 0.185 1'04.077
6 29 Hisashi KureTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOFIORE motor sports and Ishiyama Giken8 8'39.923 6.984 1.329 1'04.285
7 95 Kishi KojiKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ8 8'40.584 7.645 0.661 1'04.558
8 9 Ikeda KazuhoKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOMOMOX KART RACING8 8'44.132 11.193 3.548 1'04.529
9 51 Yuto IkenoKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOMOMOX KART RACING8 8'44.585 11.646 0.453 1'04.719
10 24 Rikuto TamahashiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJO30's RACING8 8'45.279 12.340 0.694 1'03.418
11 62 Yuuya HattoriTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOAsh8 8'45.686 12.747 0.407 1'04.307
12 10 Keiki HamakawaTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOPeter Pan8 8'49.823 16.884 4.137 1'05.194
13 14 Hayato IidaKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOKP BUZZ8 8'51.081 18.142 1.258 1'04.807
14 15 Hayato OyamadaDrago Corse/ROTAXMOJOGrenBlue RT8 8'51.607 18.668 0.526 1'04.615
15 77 Kento AritaTONYKART/ROTAXMOJORT.HISTORY8 8'54.849 21.910 3.242 1'04.448
16 21 Ryuuki HayashiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOKAKIE RACING8 8'55.158 22.219 0.309 1'05.681
17 58 Tetsuzai TogoKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN8 8'55.226 22.287 0.068 1'05.196
18 56 Naoto IwataTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOFortune Works Peter Pan8 8'56.055 23.116 0.829 1'05.374
19 36 Haruka MiyawakiDRAGO CORCE/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro Nagoya8 9'03.820 30.881 7.765 1'05.559
20 93 Masaya TakahashiREDSPEED/ROTAXMOJONEXT-ONE Racing8 9'09.864 36.925 6.044 1'05.715
21 66 Sakuri InoshitaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOC.O.B-KART8 9'15.782 42.843 5.918 1'07.229
22 7 Yukio Tsukamotocroc promotion/ROTAXMOJOGrenBlue RT1 2'03.147 7 Laps7 Laps 2'03.147

Fastest Lap No. 24 Riku Tamahashi 30's RACING 1'03.418 6/8 71.75km/h

Due to a violation of Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) of the Special Regulations for the Suzuka Championship Series No. 24, a 5-second addition has been applied.
No.77 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2) (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No. 36 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 60 - 2) (Front Fairing) Violation, resulting in a 5-second penalty.
No.93 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2) (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.