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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2021 Suzuka Championship Series Round 3 Kart Race in SUZUKA
ROK-SHIFTER Final Heat Official Results

DATE:2021-06-27 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Cls. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 7  Higashi TakujiTONYKART/VORTEXBSNEXT-ONE Racing16 13'06.29592.59km/h  48.784
2 2  Iwao AratoTONYKART/VORTEXBSAP SPEED with SOVLA16 13'06.520 0.225 0.225 48.735
3 77  Shinnori ItoKOSMIC/VORTEXBSHRT & Chari Run! GO! KART!16 13'09.315 3.020 2.795 48.849
4 21Master1Takayuki OkamotoTONYKART/VORTEXBSHarada Kart Club16 13'13.627 7.332 4.312 49.062
5 22  Hayato ShimadaCRG/VORTEXBSPeter Pan16 13'15.130 8.835 1.503 48.928
6 34  Ryousuke OgawaKART REPUBLIC/VORTEXBSMOMOX KART RACING16 13'16.300 10.005 1.170 48.967
7 88  Hiroshi KobayashiKOSMIC/VORTEXBSHRT16 13'16.593 10.298 0.293 49.126
8 12Master2Takeshi NishinobirelART/VORTEXBSLYNX16 13'21.021 14.726 4.428 49.413
9 8Master3Takeki KatoTONYKART/VORTEXBSMOMOX KART RACING16 13'21.508 15.213 0.487 49.394
10 13Master4Kazutoku NakadoKOSMIC/VORTEXBSRS Nakatsuchi16 13'26.186 19.891 4.678 49.704
11 37Master5Nobuya Taniguchicrocpromotion/VORTEXBSPeter Pan16 13'34.024 27.729 7.838 50.069
12 99Master6Yoshimasa KatoDrago CORSE/VORTEXBSbitarban15 13'18.120 1Lap 1Lap 51.258
13 14Master7Tomomi KawaguchiDrago CORSE/VORTEXBSRS Nakatsuchi15 13'20.584 1Lap 2.464 51.741
14 92Master8Takuya KuniyuCRG/VORTEXBSPeter Pan12 13'28.042 4 Laps3 Laps 51.434
Below: Did not cross the finish line:
Total laps completed:
  44  Ryo SatoINTREPID/VORTEXBSINTREPID JAPAN CORSE3 3'20.263 13 Laps9 Laps 52.696
  1  Kenta MizukoshiCRG/VORTEXBSMOMOX KART RACING2 2'07.096 14 Laps1Lap 52.872
  5  Sho KanedaEXPRIT/VORTEXBSTAKAGI PLANNING1 52.390 15 Laps1Lap 52.390

Fastest Lap No. 2 Iwao Arato AP SPEED with SOVLA 48.735 5/16 93.37km/h

Regulated Laps 8

Due to a violation of Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) of the Special Regulations for the Suzuka Championship Series No. 92, a 5-second addition has been applied.
No. 99 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
Due to a violation of Article 22 of the JAF Domestic Karting Competition Regulations regarding the operation of kart competitions (Prohibition of Interference (Pushing/Blocking)), the position will be set 5 places lower than the finishing order.
Due to a violation of Article 31 (Obligation to Avoid Danger) of the Special Regulations for the Suzuka Championship Series regarding competition vehicles, the ranking will be adjusted to 3rd place lower than the finishing position.