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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2020 Suzuka Championship Series Round 7 Kart Race in SUZUKA
ROK-SHIFTER Final Official Results

DATE:2020-11-08 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Cls. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 50  Iwao AratoTONYKART/VORTEXBSAPSPEED with SOVLA16 12'57.47193.65km/h  48.170
2 38  Mikio MaedaKOSMIC/VORTEXBSTeam Regolith16 12'59.272 1.801 1.801 48.251
3 10  Kenta MizukoshiCRG/VORTEXBSMOMOX KART RACING16 13'01.313 3.842 2.041 48.178
4 3  Sho KanedaEXPRIT/VORTEXBSTAKAGI PLANNING16 13'01.947 4.476 0.634 48.391
5 7  Shinnori ItoKOSMIC/VORTEXBSHRT & Chari Run GO! KART!16 13'02.039 4.568 0.092 48.381
6 1  Rikusei Hirookacrocpromotion/VORTEXBSTrentaquattro Nara16 13'02.715 5.244 0.676 48.224
7 21Master1Takayuki OkamotoTONYKART/VORTEXBSHarada Kart Club16 13'05.780 8.309 3.065 48.525
8 39  Naomasa KishimotoTONYKART/VORTEXBSFortune Works Peter Pan16 13'06.696 9.225 0.916 48.539
9 4  Hiroshi KobayashiKOSMIC/VORTEXBSHRT16 13'10.371 12.900 3.675 48.550
10 8Master2Takeki KatoTONYKART/VORTEXBSMOMOX KART RACING16 13'12.417 14.946 2.046 48.908
11 20Master3Satoshi KosuizumiKART REPUBLIC/VORTEXBSTECORSA16 13'20.806 23.335 8.389 49.112
12 13Master4Kazutoku NakadoDrago Corse/VORTEXBSRS Nakatsuchi16 13'33.138 35.667 12.332 49.551
13 37Master5Nobuyuki Taniguchicrocpromotion/VORTEXBSPeter Pan16 13'41.661 44.190 8.523 50.021
14 12Master6Takeshi Nishinobirel/VORTEXBSLYNX16 13'18.592 21.121  49.033
15 99Master7Yoshimasa KatoDrago Corse/VORTEXBSPeter Pan15 13'32.377 1Lap 1Lap 51.749
Below the finish line not crossed:
16 34Master8Kenji IshidaKOSMIC/VORTEXBSPower Works13 10'51.099 3 Laps2 Laps 49.125
17 14Master9Tomomi KawaguchiDrago Corse/VORTEXBSRS Nakatsuchi12 10'42.159 4 Laps1Lap 51.118
Total laps completed:
  24Master Takeshi NishijimaDrago Corse/VORTEXBSPeter Pan0 16 Laps12 Laps 

Fastest Lap No. 50 Arata Iwao APSPEED with SOVLA 48.170 8/16 94.47km/h

No. 12 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 30 Start - 2) Due to a start violation (Flying Ship), the position will be ranked 3 places lower than the finishing order.
No.1 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.
No. 4 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Competition Vehicle Regulations Article 60-2 (Front Fairing) Violation resulted in a 5-second penalty.