SUZUKA 300km
Porsche Carrera Cup Japan Round. 5-6
Porsche Round. 5 Official Race Results

DATE: 2019-05-25 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International Racing Course 5.807km
Pos. No. CLs. Driver Team/Car Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 19Ukyo Sasahara/U.SASAHARAPorsche Japan Junior Programme10 25'11.057138.35km/h  2'05.887
2 78Takuya Otaki/T.OTAKISKY RACING10 25'12.839 1.782 1.782 2'06.777
3 31Yuta Uemura/Y.KAMIMURAPORSCHE CENTER OKAZAKI10 25'14.118 3.061 1.279 2'06.700
4 9Shinji Takei/S.TAKEIBINGO RACING10 25'15.985 4.928 1.867 2'07.157
5 60Ryo Ogawa/R.OGAWALM corsa10 25'16.638 5.581 0.653 2'07.244
6 7Toshi Hoshino/S.HOSHINOD'station Porsche10 25'17.918 6.861 1.280 2'07.211
7 4G1Nobuhiro Imada/N.IMADAJapan Motor Sports Association10 25'18.804 7.747 0.886 2'07.543
8 25G2Kiyoshi Uchiyama/K.UCHIYAMANK RACING10 25'19.634 8.577 0.830 2'07.724
9 98G3IKARITOEI BJR PORSCHE10 25'20.663 9.606 1.029 2'08.687
10 11G4Tomohiro Yamaguchi/T.YAMAGUCHID'station Porsche10 25'21.292 10.235 0.629 2'08.767
11 77G5Hamasaki Daisuke/M.HAMASAKIGR-Racing VENTILER10 25'22.550 11.493 1.258 2'08.672
12 32G6Hideki Nagai/H.NAGAIPORSCHE CENTER OKAZAKI10 25'23.516 12.459 0.966 2'08.714
13 21G7Takumi Takada/T.TAKADAGR-Racing NANOHANA HIDAMARI10 25'24.574 13.517 1.058 2'08.275
14 34 Yudai Uchida/Y.UCHIDAair-J & TeamKRM10 25'26.039 14.982 1.465 2'07.104
15 15G8Hikichiro Kamitori/H.KAMITORI911 Service10 25'27.942 16.885 1.903 2'09.363
16 23G9Tomoyuki Takizawa/T.TAKIZAWAFACH AUTO TECH10 25'36.615 25.558 8.673 2'12.210
17 88G10Tiger WuSKY MOTORSPORTS10 26'06.920 55.863 30.305 2'09.229
18 36G11Han HuilinSKY MOTORSPORTS10 26'08.882 57.825 1.962 2'09.136
19 51G12Haruyama Junnosuke/T.HARUYAMABINGO RACING10 26'39.344 1'28.287 30.462 2'12.727
20 3G13TAKASHI HATAA-NeKT & TeamKRM9 22'16.696 1Lap 1Lap 2'07.492
Total laps completed:
  16G Zhou BihuangSKY MOTORSPORTS7 17'10.581 3 Laps2 Laps 2'09.527

Start Time : 16:39'53
SC Introduction Time : 16:55'40 (7 Laps)
End Time : 17:05'04 (SC Checker)

The best time during the race was No. 19 Ukyo Sasahara / U.SASAHARA Porsche Japan Junior Programme 2'05.887 2/10 166.06km/h

Regulated Laps 7

No. 3 Added 40 seconds to the results (Penalty not served due to SC) PCCJ 2019 SpR 7.2 d) (False Start)
No. 51 Added 50 seconds to the results International Motorsports Competition Regulations Appendix H Section 2.9.11 (Dangerous behavior during SC activity)
No. 36 Added 40 seconds to the results Suzuka Circuit General Competition Regulations Article 24-4) (Running on an unauthorized course)
No. 88 Added 40 seconds to the results Suzuka Circuit General Competition Regulations Article 25-1) (Dangerous driving behavior)