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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2019 All Japan Kart Championship
2019 All Japan Kart Championship FS-125 Class Round 2
FS-125 Final Heat Official Results

DATE:2019-04-28 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 11 Akiri IitsukibirelDUNLOPFormula Blue Ash22 18'40.53889.34km/h  50.638
2 43 Takuto MukoyamaCroc PromotionDUNLOPTrentaquattro Suzuka22 18'43.467 2.929 2.929 50.678
3 22 Momo OkudaKOSMICDUNLOPHRS JAPAN22 18'45.619 5.081 2.152 50.575
4 28 Haruya AkiraFA-KARTDUNLOPHarada Kart Club22 18'47.424 6.886 1.805 50.635
5 24 Shirakawa Sesunbirel ARTDUNLOPBirel ART West22 18'50.735 10.197 3.311 50.671
6 19 Kazuki KamakariTONY KARTDUNLOPTOP LABO22 18'52.321 11.783 1.586 50.753
7 78 Ryohta TsunokumaCRGDUNLOPScuderia Sfida22 18'52.667 12.129 0.346 50.577
8 29 Akihiro KatoFA-KARTDUNLOPFA-KART RT+HKC22 18'52.852 12.314 0.185 50.580
9 77 Yutaka KitanoKOSMICDUNLOPONE POINT Ryokkou.com22 18'53.046 12.508 0.194 50.698
10 12 Hayato ShimadaTONYKARTDUNLOPFormula Blue Pita Pan22 18'53.480 12.942 0.434 50.640
11 25 Taichi HiyoshiKOSMICDUNLOPFIORE Motor Sports22 18'53.921 13.383 0.441 50.771
12 18 Touma KinoshitaCRGDUNLOPZENITH RT with HEROes22 18'54.031 13.493 0.110 50.691
13 20 Shosei KadotaTONY KARTDUNLOPVersus RT with CORSA22 18'54.782 14.244 0.751 50.778
14 13 Shin HattoriTONYKARTDUNLOPAsh22 18'54.913 14.375 0.131 50.733
15 33 Shunichiro HaradaPragaDUNLOPTeam Blute22 18'55.185 14.647 0.272 50.749
16 44 Satoru KikutaCRGDUNLOPTEAM CRESCENT22 18'55.580 15.042 0.395 50.790
17 15 Nanto NatsumeSWFDUNLOPTeam Brute22 18'56.047 15.509 0.467 50.915
18 30 Kei HisatomiKOSMICDUNLOPClub Labo22 18'56.518 15.980 0.471 50.649
19 26 Takuya OkadaPragaDUNLOPTeam Brute22 18'58.418 17.880 1.900 50.598
20 23 Orange Samurai ZelkovaEnergyDUNLOPEnergy JAPAN22 18'58.984 18.446 0.566 50.852
21 27 Kairi KanayamaFA-KARTDUNLOPFA-KART RT+HKC22 19'00.767 20.229 1.783 51.173
22 45 Nobuhiko OkamotoCRGDUNLOPScuderia Sfida22 19'01.022 20.484 0.255 51.125
23 21 Hayate ImaiKRDUNLOPTeamREGOLIT22 19'02.827 22.289 1.805 50.441
24 17 Haruto UedaCRGDUNLOPKC NAGAHARA22 19'05.156 24.618 2.329 50.786
25 16 Kotaro NakajoEXPRITDUNLOPTeam Brute22 19'05.558 25.020 0.402 50.702
26 51 Hikaru KawasakiTONYKARTDUNLOPTOP LABO22 19'06.617 26.079 1.059 51.539
27 14 Jun TakedaTONYKARTDUNLOPTEAM HIRANO22 19'12.487 31.949 5.870 51.663
28 35 Uchida SuzukazeDrago CorseDUNLOPcrocpromotion21 19'17.035 1Lap 1Lap 50.683
Total laps completed:

No.22, 30, 26, 23, 21, 16, 35, added 5 seconds due to All Japan Kart Championship Unified Regulations Article 38(25) (front fairing not in correct installation state).

JAF Domestic Kart Competition Regulations Regulations on Kart Competition Management Article 22 (Prohibition of Interference (Pushing/Blocking)) violation resulted in a one-lap deduction.

Fastest Lap No. 21 Hayate Imai Team REGOLIT 50.441 9/22 90.21 km/h

Regulated Laps 11