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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2018 Suzuka Championship Series Round 7 Kart Race in SUZUKA
ROK-SHIFTER Pre-Final Results Table

DATE:2018-12-16 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Cls. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 72-1Kenta MizukoshiCRG/VORTEXBSMOMOX KART RACING11 8'53.59593.81km/h  47.829
2 40-2Gento MiyashitaTONYKART/VORTEXBSTONYKART RACING TEAM JAPAN11 8'54.060 0.465 0.465 47.797
3 7-3Higashi TakushiTONYKART/VORTEXBSNEXT-ONE Racing11 8'54.275 0.680 0.215 48.061
4 16-4Rikusei HirookacrocpromotionBSTrentaquattro11 8'56.848 3.253 2.573 48.180
5 6-5Hiroshi KobayashiKOSMICBSHRT11 8'58.488 4.893 1.640 48.281
6 19-6Sho KanedaEXPRIT/VORTEXBSTAKAGI PLANNING11 8'59.041 5.446 0.553 48.007
7 41-7Naoki YokoyamaTONYKART/VORTEXBSPeter Pan11 8'59.197 5.602 0.156 48.262
8 18-8Akira KiyoharaTONYKART/VORTEXBSTONYKART RACING TEAM JAPAN11 9'00.059 6.464 0.862 48.341
9 22-9Shinnori ItoKOSMIC/VORTEXBSHRT11 9'01.059 7.464 1.000 48.321
10 17-10Mako HirakawaEXPRIT/VORTEXBSTAKAGI PLANNING11 9'04.559 10.964 3.500 48.468
11 24Master1Takeshi NishijimaDragoCOLRSE/VORTEXBSPeter Pan11 9'06.439 12.844 1.880 48.707
12 33Master2Kengo KyotakeTONYKART/VORTEXBSAP SPEED with SOVLA11 9'08.765 15.170 2.326 48.900
13 21Master3Takayuki OkamotoTONYKART/VORTEXBSHarada Kart Club11 9'08.980 15.385 0.215 48.818
14 39Master4Hiroki KoizawaCRG/VORTEXBSPower Works11 9'09.341 15.746 0.361 48.760
15 8Master5Takeki KatoVORTEXBSMOMOX Kart Racing11 9'09.809 16.214 0.468 48.780
16 34Master6Kenji IshidaCRG/VORTEXBSKP BUZZ11 9'20.092 26.497 10.283 49.610
17 37Master7Nobuyuki TaniguchiMAD-CROC/VORTEXBSPeter Pan11 9'20.525 26.930 0.433 49.759
18 28Master8Takahiro AokiFA-KART/VORTEXBSHarada Kart Club11 9'29.258 35.663 8.733 50.598
19 15Master9Takeshi Nishinobirel/VORTEXBSPLAYFUL- LYNX8 8'40.473 3 Laps3 Laps 49.766
20 26-11Sora UenoTONYKART/VORTEXBSKC NAGAHARA2 1'44.000 9 Laps6 Laps 49.785
21 38-12Kazuha NishioTONYKART/VORTEXBSHEROES3 2'35.602 8 Laps  49.266

Due to a violation of Article 22 of the JAF Domestic Karting Competition Regulations regarding the operation of kart competitions (Prohibition of Interference (Pushing/Blocking)), the position will be set 3 places lower than the finishing order.

Fastest Lap No. 40 Gento Miyashita TONYKART RACING TEAM JAPAN 47.797 3/11 95.20km/h