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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2018 Suzuka Championship Series Round 7 Kart Race in SUZUKA
AVANTI Final Heat Official Results

DATE:2018-12-16 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 16 Kita-yama ShinsuiTONYKART/AVANTIBSFARM RACING16 14'28.30883.85km/h  53.706
2 17 Kenji AsanoTONYKART/AVANTIBSMusashino Kart Club16 14'33.032 4.724 4.724 53.865
3 5 Naohiro YonekawaFA-KART/AVANTIBSSilver, Far HKC Bond16 14'33.532 5.224 0.500 53.607
4 29 Hayato InayoshiFA-KART/AVANTIBSHarada Kart Club16 14'33.879 5.571 0.347 53.969
5 69 Teruyuki IshiguroKOSMIC/AVANTIBSONE POINT16 14'34.516 6.208 0.637 53.912
6 1 Takuya TsujimotoFA-KART/AVANTIBSHarada Kart Club16 14'38.555 10.247 4.039 53.875
7 2 Yuki KasaiTONYKART/AVANTIBSJACKAL HKC16 14'38.178 9.870  53.862
8 9 Yuki Takadacrocpromotion/AVANTIBSTrentaquattro Suzuka16 14'42.461 14.153 4.283 54.389
9 53 Shoji SugimuraART/AVANTIBSRS Sugimura16 14'50.836 22.528 8.375 54.608
10 10 Muneaki OdaTONYKART/AVANTIBSHKC Pension Racers16 14'52.846 24.538 2.010 54.699
11 11 Hiroaki NishiguchiCRG/AVANTIBSRS-1・Msistem16 14'48.963 20.655  54.315
12 14 Masamichi KasaiFA-KART/AVANTIBSHarada Kart Club16 15'05.280 36.972 16.317 54.606
13 20 Daisuke YamamotoFA-KART/AVANTIBSHarada Kart Club16 15'05.730 37.422 0.450 55.532
14 22 Raku FujimatsuFA-KART/AVANTIBSHarada Kart Club16 14'50.915 22.607  54.289
15 34 Maki YasukawaTONYKART/AVANTIBSRT-HISTRY16 15'05.803 37.495 14.888 54.986
16 57 Koji IkeshinSWF/AVANTIBSGame On Racing16 15'19.441 51.133 13.638 56.051
Below the finish line not crossed:
17 28 Atsushi KanedaFA-KART/AVANTIBSHarada Kart Club11 10'29.386 5 Laps5 Laps 55.076
Total laps completed:
  8 Takahisa MasudaMAD-CROC/AVANTIBSGren Blue RT1 1'11.228 15 Laps10 Laps 1'11.228

Due to a violation of Article 22 of the JAF Domestic Karting Competition Regulations regarding the prohibition of obstruction (pushing and blocking), the position will be adjusted to one place lower than the finishing order.
No.11 JAF Domestic Kart Competition Regulations Regulations on Kart Competition Management Article 22 (Prohibition of Interference (Pushing/Blocking)) violation will result in a position 3 places lower than the finishing order.
No.22 JAF Domestic Kart Competition Regulations Regulations on Kart Competition Management Article 22 (Prohibition of Interference (Pushing/Blocking)) violation will result in a position 3 places lower than the finishing order.

Fastest Lap No. 5 Naohiro Yokokawa Silver, Haruka HKC Bond 53.607 12/16 84.88km/h

Regulated Laps 8