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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2018 SUZUKA Championship Series Round Kart Race in SUZUKA
MAX MASTERS Second Chance Heat Results

DATE:2018-08-12 WEATHER: Rain COURSE: Wet International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 61 Masayuki MarutaniKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOWITH + Global6 6'59.29865.11km/h  1'08.644
2 10 Satoshi Kosuizumikart republic/ROTAXMOJOTECORSA6 7'01.382 2.084 2.084 1'09.049
3 48 Takeshi UsuiINTREPID/ROTAXMOJOC.O.B-KART6 7'03.100 3.802 1.718 1'09.308
4 62 Yuichiro NagaoCRG/ROTAXMOJORT HISTORY6 7'04.240 4.942 1.140 1'08.928
5 41 Kenei FujiiMAD-CROC/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro6 7'04.517 5.219 0.277 1'08.725
6 73 Hideaki YajimaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOTeam August6 7'05.589 6.291 1.072 1'09.609
Above: Advancement to the Final Heat
7 7 Yuuki FujiwarabirelART/ROTAXMOJOTeamMsEnergy6 7'06.082 6.784 0.493 1'08.940
8 65 Tomohiro OkuboTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOC.O.B-KART6 7'06.524 7.226 0.442 1'09.373
9 16 Tomohisa FumichikaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHEROes6 7'07.561 8.263 1.037 1'09.726
10 63 Masayoshi ImaiFA-KART/ROTAXMOJOteamREGOLITH6 7'08.301 9.003 0.740 1'09.345
11 54 YANG QIANMAD-CROC/ROTAXMOJOFree Racing Studio6 7'09.090 9.792 0.789 1'08.935
12 45 KWON CHANGHOTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOThirties Racing6 7'10.503 11.205 1.413 1'09.767
13 19 Nobuhiro MitamuraTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOTeam Aladdin + Global6 7'13.129 13.831 2.626 1'10.403
14 75 Yusaku OkumaINTREPIT/MOJOFIORE Motorsports6 7'17.925 18.627 4.796 1'11.184
15 68 Manabu NagataniINTREPIT/ROTAXMOJOANT.RT Land Create6 7'32.752 33.454 14.827 1'10.188

Fastest Lap No. 61 Masayuki Marutani WITH + Global 1'08.644 4/6 66.29km/h