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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2018 Suzuka Championship Series Round 3 Kart Race in SUZUKA
MAX MASTERS Final Heat Official Results

DATE:2018-04-29 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 59 Tomokazu KawaseKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOGlobal al.e16 13'45.21288.23km/h  51.217
2 2 Megumi YugeKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS-Japan16 13'47.692 2.480 2.480 51.317
3 29 Takahiro IshiharaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOIRS16 13'48.395 3.183 0.703 51.102
4 33 Masaki KatoKART REPUBLIC/ROTAXMOJOTriple-K&MOMOX16 13'48.731 3.519 0.336 51.255
5 12 Yukio TsukamotoCROC PROMOTION/ROTAXMOJOGrenBlue RT16 13'49.847 4.635 1.116 51.401
6 49 Takahiro Matsutani/ROTAXMOJOEIKO JAPAN16 13'50.087 4.875 0.240 51.161
7 14 Shota ShindoKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOTeam Global16 13'55.193 9.981 5.106 51.355
8 26 Yoichi KiyamaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOGlobal16 13'56.558 11.346 1.365 51.415
9 46 Toshiyuki SeoKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN16 13'57.049 11.837 0.491 51.368
10 31 Yuji SatoKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOBRAVO-RACING16 13'52.808 7.596  51.324
11 71 Yoshimi InoueKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOY's Factory Racing16 13'59.434 14.222 6.626 51.575
12 47 Nobutaka SuzukiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOIDEAL Racing16 13'59.605 14.393 0.171 51.715
13 30 Tomoki NakanishiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOMOMOXKartRacing16 13'59.919 14.707 0.314 51.585
14 17 Hiroki KoizawaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHRS JAPAN16 14'00.298 15.086 0.379 51.543
15 18 Kenji MuraiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro Suzuka16 14'01.866 16.654 1.568 51.615
16 16 Tomohisa FumichikaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOTeam Heroes16 14'02.399 17.187 0.533 51.834
17 35 Masataka TakedaKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHEROes16 14'02.583 17.371 0.184 51.572
18 37 Akiyoshi YanagaMAD-CROC/ROTAXMOJOTeam Global16 14'02.855 17.643 0.272 51.744
19 38 Fumihiko ImadabirelART/ROTAXMOJOAztec16 14'05.323 20.111 2.468 51.964
20 39 Yoshinori MuraokaTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOC.O.B-KART16 14'05.676 20.464 0.353 51.869
21 58 Shunji IguchiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOIDEAL Racing16 14'06.608 21.396 0.932 51.984
22 7 Yuuki FujiwarabirelART/ROTAXMOJOTeamMsEnergy16 14'07.106 21.894 0.498 51.709
23 57 Shinichi TakagiKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOHEROes16 14'08.212 23.000 1.106 51.433
24 10 Satoshi KosuizumiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOTECORSA16 14'08.980 23.768 0.768 51.528
25 41 Kenei FujiiMAD-CROC/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro16 14'09.044 23.832 0.064 52.086
26 61 Masayuki MarutaniKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOWITH16 14'09.446 24.234 0.402 51.922
27 52 Kazumi NagataTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOTEAM HIRANO16 14'09.529 24.317 0.083 51.675
28 55 Yoshiharu HiramatsuTONYKART/ROTAXMOJOC.O.B-KART16 14'12.121 26.909 2.592 52.342
29 24 Kim Han-kyuKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOTEAM REGOLITH16 14'12.272 27.060 0.151 51.615
30 28 Takehiko UedaCrocPromotion/ROTAXMOJOTeam Global16 14'15.644 30.432 3.372 52.012
31 25 Hiroyuki OdakaSWF/ROTAXMOJOMOMOXKartRacing16 14'22.009 36.797 6.365 51.500
32 23 Tomoya IwaseKOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOY's Factry Racing16 14'26.121 40.909 4.112 52.263
Below the finish line not crossed:
33 15 Shinsuke KishimotoMACH - 1/ROTAXMOJOF'S CLUB10 8'47.177 6 Laps6 Laps 51.399
34 70 Hideta DobashiTONYKART/ROTAXMOJONEXT-ONE Racing8 6'57.635 8 Laps2 Laps 51.627
Total laps completed:

Due to a violation of Article 22 (Prohibition of Obstruction) of the JAF Domestic Karting Regulations regarding the operation of kart competitions, the position will be adjusted to 3rd place lower than the finishing order.

Fastest Lap No. 29 Takahiro Ishihara IRS 51.102 8/16 89.05km/h

Regulated Laps 8