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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2016 Suzuka Championship Series Round. 5 Kart Race in SUZUKA
X30 Challenge Asia-Masters CUP&ROTAX MAX Special Event
MAX Masters Group B Qualifying Heat 1 Results

DATE:2016-08-13 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Point Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 12 Hideta Dobashi0TONYKART/ROTAXMOJONEXT-ONE Racing10 8'43.11786.99km/h  51.906
2 48 Yuji Sato2KOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOBRAVO-RACING10 8'44.772 1.655 1.655 51.894
3 38 Masaki Kato3TONYKART/ROTAXMOJOTriple-K&MOMOX10 8'45.717 2.600 0.945 51.853
4 32 Shota Shindo4KOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOScala + Global10 8'45.845 2.728 0.128 51.819
5 84 Kazuhiro Shindo5MAD-CROC/ROTAXMOJOScala + Global10 8'50.970 7.853 5.125 52.428
6 28 Takehiko Ueda6MAD-CROC/ROTAXMOJOTeam Global10 8'51.219 8.102 0.249 52.398
7 6 Yosuke Morita7TONYKART/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro Nagoya10 8'51.636 8.519 0.417 52.278
8 16 Kenei Fujii8MAD-CROC/ROTAXMOJOTrentaquattro Nara10 8'51.830 8.713 0.194 52.220
9 90 Tomoki Nakanishi9FA-KART/ROTAXMOJOHarada Kart Club10 8'52.090 8.973 0.260 52.324
10 26 Shinji Yuasa10INTREPID/ROTAXMOJOMRT.HISTORY10 8'53.519 10.402 1.429 52.416
11 94 Shinsuke Kishimoto11MACH1/ROTAXMOJOF'S CLUB10 8'54.225 11.108 0.706 51.777
12 15 Katsuyuki Sasaki12DR/ROTAXMOJOMRT.HISTORY Bright Red Impact!10 8'54.767 11.650 0.542 51.987
13 11 Masayuki Marutani13KOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOWITH R C10 8'55.911 12.794 1.144 52.813
14 19 Nobuhiro Mitamura14TONYKART/ROTAXMOJOTeam Aladdin + Global10 8'56.075 12.958 0.164 52.737
15116 Kazuhisa Fujimoto15KOSMIC/ROTAXMOJOIDEAL Racing10 9'01.971 18.854 5.896 52.498
16 81 Yuuki Fujiwara16TONYKART/ROTAXMOJOMsEnergy10 9'08.083 24.966 6.112 52.769
17 17 Riki Tanioka17TONYKART/ROTAXMOJOGLOBAL with R'S DESIGN9 9'05.706 1Lap 1Lap 52.767
18 31 Koji Kaga18KOSMIC/ROTAXMOJORacing Square GEN1 59.993 
19 34 Shuji Mukoyama19TONYKART/ROTAXMOJOMsEnergy5 4'56.103 

Due to a violation of Article 40, Section 20 (Course Re-entry) of the Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations for No. 17, one lap has been deducted from the competition results.

Due to a violation of Article 40, Section 11 (Pushing) of the No.34 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations, the position will be adjusted to 5th place lower than the finishing order.