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16th Suzuka Challenge Club Grand Prix
CHALLENGE CLUB(1/9) 3 Class Time Attack Round 1 Results

DATE:2015-01-09 WEATHER: Cloudy COURSE: Wet/Dry International Racing Course 5.807km
Pos. No. Cls. Driver Machine Team/Car Time Delay Gap Lap
1 65 C3S1Takeshi KuromiyaSkyline GTS-t type MKeiyo Jiko EIJI's Homos Tsuyopon?? 2'18.846150.56km/h 2/2
2 41 C3S2Hiroshi TanakaRX-7This year for sure! 2'19.390 0.544 0.5443/4
3 44 C3S3Akihiko SakakibaraRX-7  2'20.907 2.061 1.5176/6
4 46 C3S4Shigeki HirohataChaser  2'21.992 3.146 1.0853/4
5 48 C3R1ingaki haruGT3RS  2'22.356 3.510 0.3646/6
6 54 C3S5Yoshikuni ChinenFairlady Z  2'22.470 3.624 0.1145/6
7 53 C3S6Masahito YamamotoRX-7Maa-kun V is looking forward to Suzuka after a long time! 2'23.821 4.975 1.3517/7
8 52 C3S7Hiroyuki SakakibaraF430Defeat Tsuyopon!! LOL 2'25.355 6.509 1.5344/6
9 45 C3S8Ryohei SasakiRX-7Relaxed driving for the aging engine! 2'25.736 6.890 0.3813/4
10 64 C3R2Akihiko KurokiSkyline  2'30.148 11.302 4.4123/4
11 43 C3R3Akihiko KanoRX-7  2'30.186 11.340 0.0384/7
12 50 C3S9Masataka Kataoka996GT3Challenge of the Sixty-Year-Old Father 2'30.523 11.677 0.3377/8
13 47 C3S10Kensuke Osawa911  2'31.413 12.567 0.8906/7
14 51 C3S11Chieko FurukawaChaser  3'14.212 55.366 42.7993/4
  49 C3S Koichi UedaNSX Unable to measure  0/1
  55 C3S Shoichiro NishiRX-7Howl!! My right leg!!Did not start   