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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2014 Suzuka Championship Series Round. 5 Kart Race in SUZUKA
CELL OPEN MASTERS Final Heat Official Results Table

DATE: 2014-07-06 WEATHER: Cloudy COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 1 Hideta DobashiTONYKART/ROTAXYHNEXT-ONE Racing16 13'53.11287.39km/h  51.575
2 2 Kenei Fujiitb-kart/ROTAXYHTrentaquattro Nara16 14'03.365 10.253 10.253 51.517
3 22 Tomoki NakanishiFA Kart/ROTAXYHHarada Kart Club16 14'05.043 11.931 1.678 52.333
4 6 Makoto ImoriART/ROTAXYHTrentaquattro Nara16 14'06.053 12.941 1.010 51.512
5 10 Masakazu NakaoMaranello/ROTAXYHTrentaquattro Nara16 13'59.710 6.598  51.961
6 9 Chusei SawaguchiCRG/ROTAXYHHarada Kart Club16 14'07.953 14.841 8.243 52.376
7 8 Motohiro NishinoINTREPID/ROTAXYHHRS JAPAN16 14'20.329 27.217 12.376 53.181
8 11 Toshihiko MinamiVanSpeed/ROTAXYHY's Factory Racing16 14'33.546 40.434 13.217 53.886
Below the finish line not crossed:
9 5 Takeki KatoTONYKART/ROTAXYHKEIN,S with HRS8 7'00.743 8 Laps8 Laps 51.967
Total laps completed:

Fastest Lap No. 6 Makoto Imori Trentaquattro Nara 51.512 11/16 88.34km/h

Regulated Laps 8

Penalty No.10 Suzuka Championship Series Special Regulations Article 29-1 (1) Starting Violation (Corridor Violation) will result in a position 3 places lower than the finishing order.