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Enjoy Club Grand-Prix 2013
Enjoy GP Overall Results Table

DATE:2013-02-24 International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Cls. Grp. Driver Type Tire Team/Car Best Time 1st Attack 2nd Attack
1 53C51FMakoto KondoRX-7YH(S)Kondo Racing♪GT7 54.400● 54.400 
2 44C31EMakoto OmachiCivicYH(S)nob ENGINEERING 55.611 55.897● 55.611
3 51C41FDaiki TanimotoS2000DLTRY・BOX Radish Driver AP2 56.008● 56.008 56.372
4 55C61FMasaru FunamotoSkyline GTRDLWorky Mate BNR32 56.375 56.414● 56.375
5 38C32DMasayuki NakaiEunos RoadsterYH(S)Olive Ball Mami O Roadster 56.734 57.229● 56.734
6 54C52FShigeto MiuraSilviaYH(S)Worky Mate @ S15 56.746 57.353● 56.746
7 45C42EKazuhiro NishiokaS2000KHShould be comfortable for city driving? 56.886 56.998● 56.886
8 52C53FMasaharu KamotoARRANGE: KATANO: DC2YH(S)Mini circuit specification. Home course is YZ. 57.074 57.087● 57.074
9 24C33CHitoshi TeramotoIntegraKHTRY・BOX Rainbow Missile DC5 57.367 57.820● 57.367
10 31C21DSatoshi MoriguchiSevenYH(S)I will run happily. 57.788● 57.788 58.847
11 36C34DRyohei ChikawaEliseDLI will do my best not to break it. 57.925 58.255● 57.925
12 49C54EYasuhiro EndoRX-7YH(S)  58.115 58.683● 58.115
13 32C35DKOJIMA KAZUYOSHIIntegraDL  58.335● 58.335 59.047
14 34C36EShuma HattoriIntegra Type RKHI'm sleepy... 58.346● 58.346 59.434
15 27C43CKentaro MoriS2000DLAim for under 58.5 seconds 59.192 59.777● 59.192
16 33C37DTetsuo HattoriIntegra Type RKHRG-O South Course DC-5 without overdoing it 59.347● 59.347 59.411
17 56C62FTatsuzo HayashiSkyline GT-RTY32 Preservation Society Circuit Division 59.689 1'00.644● 59.689
18 28C44CSouth SnowfallAccord Euro RDLIf it's sunny, I'll aim for the low 59 seconds♪ 59.772 1'00.314● 59.772
19 37C38DTakeshi OishiCivicDLI want to cut it down to 1 minute!! 1'00.061 1'00.270● 1'00.061
20 14C39BKen MarutaIntegraKHI will do my best. 1'00.114 1'01.698● 1'00.114
21 12C310BTakeshi HongoAccord Euro RDLRG-O Street Specification CL7 1'00.126 1'05.242● 1'00.126
22 23C311CNoboru ImahigashiS2000DLDRD Normal AP1 1'00.441 1'00.648● 1'00.441
23 21C312CTakahiro Aihara86DLTOSHIN-ZN6 1'00.642 1'00.767● 1'00.642
24 16C313BTetsuya MiyoshiExigeBS  1'01.731 1'07.046● 1'01.731
25 18C314BKenichiro YoshinagaCivicYHI will do my best for my age (^ ^) 1'01.899 1'04.141● 1'01.899
26 15C315BJun KondoIntegra Si-VTECDL  1'01.944 1'04.887● 1'01.944
27 26C316CShinya TsujiIntegra DB8DLRG-O Type R 1'02.103 1'02.479● 1'02.103
28 3C11AAoi-sanCopenYH(S)HOT-K Challenge K Spirit 1'03.055 1'10.719● 1'03.055
29 20C317BKuniharu KusumotoRoadsterYHWe will have fun and aim for our goals on the 1st. 1'03.554 1'07.732● 1'03.554
30 22C318CMaki IgarashiS2000GYThree Daughters' Dad 1'05.194● 1'05.194 1'06.776
31 11C22BYukio HorieCR-ZBS  1'05.671 1'07.682● 1'05.671
32 8C23AKyohei TsujiSwift SportPS  1'05.755 1'16.336● 1'05.755
33 2C12ATadanobu YoshikawaEsseYH(S)Sepang was really hot 1'06.086 1'15.523● 1'06.086
34 25C319CKei NishiharaIntegraDLSorry for the moving chicane 1'06.362 1'11.539● 1'06.362
35 6C13AToru YoshikawaMiravanMILet's practice! 1'06.925 1'13.922● 1'06.925
36 5C14AShoma OrikawaBeatDL  1'07.078 1'16.152● 1'07.078
37 9C24AAtsushi TezukaFitBSComplete street riding specification. Moving chicane. 1'08.903 1'17.873● 1'08.903
38 4C15AYuu HashimotoCopenBSFirst Circuit Time Attack 1'10.236 1'17.284● 1'10.236
39 7C25AKazuhiro TomitaCR-ZYH  1'10.326 1'17.593● 1'10.326
40 1C16AYosuke MouriKei WorksDLThis is the first run on the South Course. 1'13.423 1'21.413● 1'13.423
41 48C55EMasaaki HamanoRX7DLThank you in advance. 1'14.080 1'16.987● 1'14.080