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FUN&RUN! 2-Wheels
2012 FUN&RUN!2-Wheels Full Course Special
X-Formula TWINI/EX/NK1-Remix/EX Final Results Table

DATE:2012-07-15 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International Racing Course 5.821km
Pos. No. Cls. Rider Type Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 33T-IEX1 Takuya NishimuraHonda VTR1000SP-1Kondo Group7 16'37.644147.04km/h  2'21.975
2 5T-IEX2 Takahiro YoshimuraDucati 1198STeam de "LIGHT DUCATI Tomei Nagoya7 17'18.945 41.301 41.301 2'26.323
3 14NK1 EX1 Yoshiharu FujiwaraKawasaki GPZ1100-2Team ACF & Fujiwara School & OMK and Free Line7 17'29.968 52.324 11.023 2'28.474
4 6T-I1 Aizuma YasuomiHonda VTR1000SP-1Racing Team Dongame7 17'31.125 53.481 1.157 2'28.999
5 95T-I2 Yoshitaka IkedaDucati M1000D;REX7 17'32.355 54.711 1.230 2'29.099
6 8T-I3 Masaki MoriAprilia RSV 1000RTEAM Speed Fighter by Mukaiyama Juku7 17'37.134 59.490 4.779 2'28.370
  01NK1 EX  Takahiro KatoKawasaki ZRX1100RH Miyajima & Demon Wife Racing!!7 17'47.058 1'09.414 9.924 2'30.756
7 58T-I4 Ryousuke MoriokaAprilia RSV1000R FTOPSLIFE & SPEEDTEC7 17'51.180 1'13.536 4.122 2'30.382
8 7T-I5 Akihiko IshidaDucati 1098SDucati Tomei Nagoya & Delight7 17'57.634 1'19.990 6.454 2'31.029
9 2NK1 EX2 Mikiya FujiwaraYamaha XJR1300R.T HAVATT7 18'10.787 1'33.143 13.153 2'34.891
10 3T-I6 Koji TorigoeAprilia RSV Mille RTEAM de"LIGHT7 18'17.932 1'40.288 7.145 2'33.752
11 24T-I7 Makoto ShimizuDucati MHR MilleTentacles and AMSOIL Racing7 18'21.904 1'44.260 3.972 2'35.327
12 96NK11 Masakazu ObayashiKawasaki ZRX1100ACF&OMK Mold&Free Line7 18'25.556 1'47.912 3.652 2'34.851
13 46T-IEX3 Seitaro FujishiroDucati 900ssDESMO★STARS7 18'37.613 1'59.969 12.057 2'31.115
14 9NK12 Takahiro NakaoHonda CB1300Rider House Miyajima7 18'47.383 2'09.739 9.770 2'38.167
15 64T-IEX4 Keisuke ItakuraAprilia RSV1000ROhanahan Antique London Hall7 18'49.930 2'12.286 2.547 2'34.222
16 59T-I8 Eiichi SaitoDucati SS904Kokura Engineering7 18'50.468 2'12.824 0.538 2'39.376
17 26T-I9 Iwao HayanoDucati 1098SKyoto Ducati & Iwa Zō Racing6 16'57.610 1Lap 1Lap 2'47.559
Total laps completed:

No.01 is a special entry not eligible for prizes.

Best lap time during the race: 33 Nishimura Takumi Kondo Team 2'21.975 6/7 147.60km/h

Laps Required 5

According to Article 64 of the MFJ Domestic Competition Regulations, Road Race Competition Regulations 17-4-10 (Violation at the Start), 30 seconds have been added to the competition results.

◎The following athletes have been recognized as Riders eligible for the EXPERT class from the next tournament onward.
No.58 Ryosuke Morioka
No.7 Akihiko Ishida

◎The invited players for the next tournament have been decided as follows:
 X-Formula TWIN I  No.33 Takuji Nishimura
 NK1-Remix No.14 Yoshiharu Fujiwara

If there are no objections within the specified time, this result will be considered the official result.