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Suzuka Sunday Road Race

47th NGK Cup Suzuka Sunday Road Race
Suzuka Inter J-GP3/Suzuka Kinki National J-GP3 Official Race Results

DATE:2011-11-27 WEATHER : Cloudy COURSE : Dry International Racing Course 5.821km
Pos. No. Cls. Rider Type Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 99INT1PAtsumi KokoroHonda NSF250RTeruru Honeybee Racing10 23'58.643145.66km/h  2'22.638
2 24INT2 Mitsuru ImamuraHonda RS125Rteam RISKY10 24'06.463 7.820 7.820 2'23.612
3 46INT3 Yoshimasa IwataHonda RS125RTeam BATTLE10 24'06.523 7.880 0.060 2'23.623
4 58INT4PKomi MatsuiHonda NSF250RTEAM PLUS ONE10 24'06.605 7.962 0.082 2'23.166
5 16NAT1 Takuma KunimineHonda RS125RJARI+JAM+Stage Leather10 24'08.464 9.821 1.859 2'23.840
6 12NAT2MToba RenYamaha TEC2-11Team Tech 2 & TDA10 24'08.756 10.113 0.292 2'23.778
7 25INT5PNaoko TakasugiHonda NSF250RMotobam with Hippopotamus10 24'09.294 10.651 0.538 2'24.149
8 15NAT3MAyumu TanakaHonda G130RR-CRF250Garage 130R +MGC10 24'10.331 11.688 1.037 2'23.961
9 87INT6 Masaru HanabusaHonda RS125RDahlia Racing Master Association M.Design Tenpo10 24'32.825 34.182 22.494 2'26.234
10 98NAT4 Masato SanoHonda RS125RSRS-J10 24'33.247 34.604 0.422 2'26.286
11 66NAT5 Taku OuchidaHonda RS125RSRS-J10 24'41.134 42.491 7.887 2'26.154
12 30NAT6MFuyu I. KōikeYamaha BP-YZF250FMagical R & Blue Point Kwansei Gakuin10 24'45.466 46.823 4.332 2'27.601
13 72INT7MNatsumi MiyoshiYamaha ASMS250All-Star Motorsports10 24'45.480 46.837 0.014 2'27.069
14 71NAT7 Soshi MiharaHonda RS125RTeam-Daijiro+iF10 24'46.386 47.743 0.906 2'27.305
15 41NAT8MKaoru TakiHulk Pro GPMR250XRacing Garage Niwa & Takahara & My Town Pharmacy10 24'47.162 48.519 0.776 2'26.948
16 51NAT9 Koji GendaHonda RS125RTeam BATTLE10 25'02.091 1'03.448 14.929 2'28.683
17 74INT8 Masaki MouriHonda RS125RTeam KOHSAKA10 25'06.822 1'08.179 4.731 2'29.619
18 10INT9 Kazuto OtsukaHonda RS125RM-KID'S10 25'15.198 1'16.555 8.376 2'29.122
19 31NAT10 Keisuke MaedaYamaha TZ125Eight Stroke & M Racing10 25'18.032 1'19.389 2.834 2'26.446
20 27INT10 Hajime ToguchiHonda RS125RScuderia Okumura10 25'18.219 1'19.576 0.187 2'30.354
21 57NAT11 Munehisa ShibataHonda RS125RT. Motokids10 25'25.931 1'27.288 7.712 2'30.668
22 28NAT12 Katsuya MinamotoHonda RS125RNRS+Joyful Source10 25'42.069 1'43.426 16.138 2'32.623
23 23NAT13 Daiki WatanabeHonda RS125RTEAM FRISKY10 26'41.042 2'42.399 58.973 2'29.074
Below the finish line not crossed:
24 39INT11 Koki OsawaHonda RS125Rteam hirock9 21'35.569 1Lap 1Lap 2'22.197
Total laps completed:
  86NAT MYuhei HaradaHulk Pro GPMR250XMTRT Wheelie kids!3 7'35.985 7 Laps6 Laps 2'30.162
  47NAT MDaiki SuganumaYamaha ASMS250EAST CORE3 8'48.149 7 Laps 1'12.164 2'33.804
  62INT  Yuto SanoHonda RS125RSRS-J1 2'30.955 9 Laps2 Laps 

Best lap time during the race: 39 Osawa Koki team hirock 2'22.197 6/9 147.37km/h

Regulated Laps 7

P indicates prototype vehicles.
M indicates GP-MONO vehicles.

◎The winner of the BATTLE FACTORY "TRY NORMAL" AWARD for this event has been decided: No.66 Taku Uchida.
◎There were no eligible recipients for the Moriwaki Award in this tournament.