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Suzuka Sunday Road Race
2011 Suzuka Kinki Championship Series Round. 5 Suzuka Sunday Road Race
Suzuka Inter J-GP3/Suzuka Kinki National J-GP3 Official Race Results

DATE:2011-09-18 WEATHER : Fine COURSE : Dry SUZUKA CIRCUIT East Course 2.243km
Pos. No. Cls. Rider Type Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 1INT1PKenta FujiiHonda NSF250RF.C.C.TSR Honda15 13'54.640145.12km/h  54.899
2 99INT2PAtsumi KokoroHonda NSF250RTeruru Honeybee Racing15 13'54.969 0.329 0.329 55.199
3 39INT3 Koki OsawaHonda RS125Rteam hirock15 14'12.039 17.399 17.070 56.099
4 46INT4 Yoshimasa IwataHonda RS125RTeam BATTLE15 14'12.152 17.512 0.113 56.193
5 74INT5 Masaki MouriHonda RS125RTeam KOHSAKA15 14'16.055 21.415 3.903 55.961
6 12NAT1 Yusei HayashidaHonda RS125RSRS-J15 14'23.057 28.417 7.002 56.924
7 30NAT2MFuyu I. KōikeYamaha BP-WR250FMagical Racing & Blue Point15 14'23.147 28.507 0.090 57.148
8 23NAT3 Daiki WatanabeHonda RS125RTEAM FRISKY15 14'26.508 31.868 3.361 57.103
9 41NAT4MKaoru TakiHulk Pro GPMR250XRacing Garage Niwa & Takahara & My Town Pharmacy15 14'27.186 32.546 0.678 57.192
10 44INT6MYoshiyuki HayashiMoriwaki MD250HTeam 4415 14'40.587 45.947 13.401 57.946
11 57NAT5 Munehisa ShibataHonda RS125R 15 14'42.247 47.607 1.660 58.048
12 51NAT6 Koji GendaHonda RS125RTeam BATTLE15 14'42.397 47.757 0.150 58.024
13 27INT7 Hajime ToguchiHonda RS125RScuderia Okumura15 14'42.754 48.114 0.357 57.361
14 28NAT7 Katsuya MinamotoHonda RS125RNRS+Joyful Source15 14'46.867 52.227 4.113 58.561
Below the finish line not crossed:
15 18INT8MNaoki SekoYamaha ZB MONOZIPBIKE&TOS-R11 10'33.966 4 Laps4 Laps 57.002
16 66NAT8 Taku OuchidaHonda RS125RSRS-J11 10'34.302 4 Laps 0.336 56.971
17 76NAT9 Shudai HasegawaHonda RS125RTSR Racing School11 10'34.439 4 Laps 0.137 56.932
Total laps completed:
  10INT  Masahiro MukoyamaHonda CRP250 9 9'13.224 6 Laps2 Laps 59.191
  15NAT MAyumu TanakaHonda G130RR-CRF250Garage 130R & MGC0  15 Laps9 Laps 
  47NAT MDaiki SuganumaYamaha asms250EAST CORE Did not start   
  31NAT  Keisuke MaedaYamaha TZ1258 Stroke & M Racing Disqualification   

Best lap time during the race: 1. Kenta Fujii F.C.C.TSR Honda 54.899 6/15 147.08km/h

Regulated Laps 11

P indicates prototype vehicles.
M indicates GP-MONO vehicles.

◎The winner of the Battle Factory Award for this tournament has been decided: No. 12 Yusei Hayashida.
◎There were no eligible recipients for the Moriwaki Award in this tournament.

Penalty No. 31 Disqualified due to violation of MFJ Domestic Competition Regulations Road Race Competition Regulations 21-1-1 (Overtaking during yellow flag sections).