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Suzuka Sunday Road Race
2011 Suzuka Kinki Championship Series Round 3 Suzuka Sunday Road Race
Suzuka Inter J-GP3/Suzuka Kinki National J-GP3 Official Race Results

DATE:2011-06-12 WEATHER : Cloudy COURSE : Dry International Racing Course 5.821km
Pos. No. Cls. Rider Type Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 8INT1 Takahiro YamamotoHonda RS125RTeam NOBBY10 23'42.251147.34km/h  2'21.790
2 3INT2 Toshiya MoriHonda RS125RTeam NOBBY10 23'52.102 9.851 9.851 2'22.214
3 22INT3 Mitsuru ImamuraHonda RS125Rteam RISKY10 23'53.793 11.542 1.691 2'21.985
4 46INT4 Yoshimasa IwataHonda RS125RTeam BATTLE10 24'07.503 25.252 13.710 2'23.531
5 39INT5 Koki OsawaHonda RS125Rteam hirock10 24'09.444 27.193 1.941 2'23.341
6 1INT6PKenta FujiiHonda ACH250MF.C.C.TSR Honda10 24'09.515 27.264 0.071 2'23.650
7 15NAT1MAyumu TanakaHonda G130RR-CRF250Garage 130R&MGC10 24'13.123 30.872 3.608 2'24.176
8 38INT7 Atsumi KokoroHonda RS125RTeam Jubet10 24'21.269 39.018 8.146 2'24.968
9 29INT8 Keiichiro KawaseHonda RS125RTeam KOHSAKA & Backyard Garage10 24'22.272 40.021 1.003 2'24.766
10 25INT9 Naoko TakasugiHonda RS125RMotobam with Hippopotamus Let's do our best, Japan10 24'26.662 44.411 4.390 2'25.407
11 14INT10MKomi MatsuiHonda HP-250TEAM PLUS ONE10 24'27.014 44.763 0.352 2'25.640
12 31NAT2 Keisuke MaedaYamaha TZ125Eight Stroke & M Racing10 24'27.150 44.899 0.136 2'25.633
13 30NAT3MFuyu I. KōikeYamaha BP-WR250FMagical Racing & Blue Point10 24'27.245 44.994 0.095 2'25.245
14 66NAT4 Taku OuchidaHonda RS125RSRS-J10 24'28.190 45.939 0.945 2'25.106
15 41NAT5MKaoru TakiHulk Pro GPMR250XRacing Garage Niwa & Takahara & My Town Pharmacy10 24'47.643 1'05.392 19.453 2'27.662
16 23NAT6 Daiki WatanabeHonda RS125RTEAM FRISKY10 24'49.824 1'07.573 2.181 2'27.818
17 76NAT7 Shudai HasegawaHonda RS125RTSR Racing School10 24'49.906 1'07.655 0.082 2'27.781
18 12NAT8 Masao SuzukiHonda RS125RTEAM X-LAND10 24'54.040 1'11.789 4.134 2'28.224
19 17INT11MHiroaki TsubokawaMoriwaki MD250HTEAM-MARGUERITE10 24'54.079 1'11.828 0.039 2'28.468
20 16NAT9 Takuma KunimineHonda RS125RJARI+JAM+Stage Racer10 25'07.128 1'24.877 13.049 2'29.723
21 86NAT10MYuhei HaradaHulk Pro GPMR250XMTRT Wheelie kids!10 25'07.333 1'25.082 0.205 2'29.165
22 28NAT11 Katsuya MinamotoHonda RS125RNRS+Joyful Source10 25'26.671 1'44.420 19.338 2'31.491
23 35NAT12MKazuma NakazawaYamaha YZ250FYSP Hamamatsu & Enshuuya10 26'08.900 2'26.649 42.229 2'35.669
24 83NAT13MHiroya MizutaniHulk Pro GPMR250XLittle Wing Viper + Speed Heart9 25'00.017 1Lap 1Lap 2'39.084
Below the finish line not crossed:
25 87INT12 Masaru HanabusaHonda RS125RDahlia Racing Master Association M.Design Tenpo9 21'27.576 1Lap   2'22.114
26 13INT13 Kyotaro HamamuraHonda RS125ROSP Racing JRP9 21'42.033 1Lap 14.457 2'23.841
Total laps completed:
  18INT MNaoki SekoYamaha ZB MONOZIPBIKE&TOS-R Did not start   
  51NAT  Koji GendaHonda RS125RTeam BATTLE Did not start   

Best lap time during the race: 8 Yamamoto Takahiro Team NOBBY 2'21.790 8/10 147.79km/h

Regulated Laps 7

◎The winner of the BATTLE FACTORY "TRY NORMAL" AWARD for this event has been decided: No.66 Taku Uchida.
◎There were no eligible recipients for the Moriwaki Award in this tournament.

P indicates prototype vehicles.
M indicates GP-MONO vehicles.