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Suzuka Sunday Road Race
2011 Suzuka Kinki Championship Series Round 1 Suzuka Sunday Road Race
Suzuka Inter J-GP3/Suzuka Kinki National J-GP3 Official Race Results

DATE:2011-04-10 WEATHER : Fine COURSE : Dry Suzuka Circuit East Course 2.243km
Pos. No. Cls. Rider Type Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 1INT1 Kenta Fujii Honda ACH250MF.C.C. TSR Honda15 14'02.997143.68km/h  55.842
2 38INT2 Atsumi Kokoro Honda RS125RTeam JUBET15 14'03.010 0.013 0.013 55.591
3 25INT3 Naoko Takasugi Honda RS125RMotobam with Hippopotamus Let's do our best, Japan15 14'03.321 0.324 0.311 55.602
4 46INT4 Yoshimasa Iwata Honda RS125RTeam BATTLE15 14'03.539 0.542 0.218 55.742
5 39INT5 Koki Osawa Honda RS125Rteam hirock15 14'03.738 0.741 0.199 55.595
6 29INT6 Keiichiro Kawase Honda RS125RTeam KOHSAKA & Backyard Garage15 14'04.452 1.455 0.714 55.807
7 87INT7 Masaru Hanabusa Honda RS125RDahlia Racing Master Association M.Design Tenpo15 14'11.065 8.068 6.613 56.061
8 15NAT1 Ayumu TanakaMHonda G130RR-CRF250Garage 130R&MGC15 14'13.685 10.688 2.620 56.357
9 66NAT2 Taku Ouchida Honda RS125RSRS-J15 14'19.934 16.937 6.249 56.771
10 18NAT3 Keisuke Maeda Yamaha TZ125Eight Stroke15 14'29.802 26.805 9.868 57.050
11 23NAT4 Daiki Watanabe Honda RS125RTEAM FRISKY15 14'30.439 27.442 0.637 57.229
12 41NAT5 Kaoru TakiMHulk Pro GPMR250XRacing Garage Niwa & Takahara & a little JOE15 14'31.093 28.096 0.654 57.257
13 76NAT6 Shudai Hasegawa Honda RS125RTSR Racing School15 14'31.223 28.226 0.130 57.246
14 11INT8 Toshinobu OosakoMHulk Pro GPMR250RTEAM PLUS ONE15 14'31.586 28.589 0.363 57.416
15 48INT9 Masahiro IokaMHonda HP250RFSR Minimum Kanwa TUNE15 14'33.497 30.500 1.911 57.476
16 30NAT7 Fuyu I. KōikeMYamaha BP-WR250FMagical Racing & Blue Point15 14'40.743 37.746 7.246 58.170
17 12NAT8 Masao SuzukiMMoriwaki MD250HTEAM X-LAND15 14'40.890 37.893 0.147 57.782
18 47NAT9 Daiki SuganumaMYamaha asms250EAST CORE15 14'45.864 42.867 4.974 58.000
19 86NAT10 Yuhei HaradaMHulk Pro GPMR250XMTRT Wheelie kids!15 14'50.927 47.930 5.063 58.445
20 28NAT11 Katsuya Minamoto Honda RS125RNRS+Joyful Source14 14'05.178 1Lap 1Lap 59.319
21 35NAT12 Kazuma NakazawaMYamaha YZ250FYSP Hamamatsu & Enshuuya14 14'20.664 1Lap 15.486 1'00.368
22 16NAT13 Tetsuya TakahashiMBATTLE BK02Team BATTLE14 14'20.883 1Lap 0.219 58.635
Below the finish line not crossed:
23 51NAT14 Koji Genda Honda RS125RTeam BATTLE14 13'29.455 1Lap   57.008
Total laps completed:
  74INT  Masaki Mouri Honda RS125RTeam KOHSAKA3 2'56.654 12 Laps11 Laps 56.341
  13INT  Kyotaro Hamamura Honda RS125ROSP Racing JRP Disqualification   

Best lap time during the race: 38 Atsumi Kokoro Team JUBET 55.591 11/15 145.25km/h

Regulated Laps 11

* The M at the beginning of the car name indicates a GP-MONO vehicle.

Penalty No. 13 Disqualified due to violation of MFJ Domestic Competition Regulations Road Race Regulations 21-1-1 (Ignoring Yellow Flag).

◎The winner of the BATTLE FACTORY "TRY NORMAL" AWARD for this tournament has been decided: No.38 Kokoro Atsumi.
◎There were no eligible recipients for the Moriwaki Award in this tournament.

* A protest letter was submitted from lap 13 (regarding the actions during lap 39 of the final race), and as a result of the review by the committee, it was dismissed.