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Enjoy Club Grand-Prix 2011 WINTER BATTLE
Enjoy GP CLASS 7 Overall Results Table

DATE:2011-02-13 International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Gr. Driver Machine Tire Team/Car Best Time 1st Attack 2nd Attack
1 81GMitsuyoshi OzakiLancer Evo 6 RS CP9AYH/SLet's set a time... Evo 53.650 55.582● 53.650
2 92GMasaru FunamotoSkyline GT-R R32HK/R  57.537● 57.537 57.667
3 84GKazuya WatanabeLancer Evolution Van CT9WBS/RIkki! Watch my passionate driving! 59.136 59.186● 59.136
4 87GKazuhisa FujiiSkyline GT-R BNR32YH/SWe will do our best to meet vehicle inspection specifications. 59.160 1'00.015● 59.160
5 90GTatsuzo HayashiSkyline E-BNR32DL/RThe goal is to achieve a time in the 57-second range. 59.284● 59.284 59.889
6 88GTakako ShioyaLancer CT9ADL/R  59.380 59.524● 59.380
7 91GYasushi HaradaImpreza GDB-ATY/R  1'01.595 1'01.838● 1'01.595
8 93GEikyo OzakiLancer Evo8 CT9AYH/R  1'02.910 1'03.717● 1'02.910
9 73FIsamu YasudaGT-FOUR ST185H NotRCYH/RA modified car with normal parts except for the brakes 1'04.269 1'05.487● 1'04.269
10 72FMasayuki ShimonakaImpreza GDBDL/R  1'04.661● 1'04.661 1'05.612
11 95GMitsutaka OnishiImpreza GDBYH/RAiming to update my personal best. 1'13.877● 1'13.877 