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Enjoy Club Grand-Prix 2011 WINTER BATTLE
Enjoy GP CLASS 4 Overall Results Table

DATE:2011-02-13 International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Gr. Driver Machine Tire Team/Car Best Time 1st Attack 2nd Attack
1106BMitsunobu OtaCivic EK4YH/SSELTZ★CARVING☆O 56.151 57.016● 56.151
2 80FMotoki HosokawaIntegra Type R DC2DL/RStradale☆Enpura FA DXL DC2 56.614 56.896● 56.614
3 77FYoshinobu YamakawaIntegra DC2YH/S  57.195● 57.195 57.856
4 52DAkira KinoshitaElise GH-111HK/ROld Elise♪ 58.223 58.716● 58.223
5 71FHiroshi KawabeIntegra DC-2DL/RIt's been two years since I've been to Suzuka South. 58.247● 58.247 58.402
6 35CMitsuo ShiraishiMR-S ZZW30DL/RFirst Suzuka South. Looking forward to it. 58.430 58.789● 58.430
7102BYoshinori YamamotoEXIGE SYH/S  58.580 58.888● 58.580
8 34CMakoto MurataNC Roadster NCECFD/RTransfer from Copen☆ 58.755 58.931● 58.755
9 38CKazumasa MurakamiCivic FD2DL/RA circuit I have never run on before in my first participation 59.672 1'00.530● 59.672
10101FTakeshi MurakamiIntegra DB8BS/DL/RTRY・BOX Mango Row DB8 Car Swap Second South 59.741 1'00.481● 59.741
11 47DTetsuo HattoriIntegra Type R DC-5YH/RDaily Commute DC-5 59.779 59.826● 59.779
12 48DNaoyuki ShimomuraEunos Roadster NA8CDL/R  59.837● 59.837 59.848
13 98DTetsuro OkadaIntegra LA-DC5DL/R  59.994 1'00.981● 59.994
14 51DRyoko SugitaIntegra DC2BS/STeam Feminine 59.996● 59.996 1'00.651
15 45DYuta SuzukiIntegra DC2BS/R  1'00.099 1'00.358● 1'00.099
16 79FYoshihiro KondoS2000 AP2YH/RLast time, I participated for the first time and placed 3rd in Class. This time, I will change my vehicle and do my best. 1'00.112● 1'00.112 1'00.183
17 49DMitsuru KasuyaIntegra Type R DC5DL/RArakure@InteR.DC5 1'00.768 1'01.862● 1'00.768
18 78FAkihiro HayashiS2000 AP1BS/R  1'00.926 1'01.128● 1'00.926
19 46DAtsushi TezukaCivic Type R FD2BS/RIt's been a while since I've been on the South Course. I'll do my best. 1'01.299 1'01.516● 1'01.299
20 41CYuzawa ToruCR-X Del Sol EG2DL/RTrybox Uzarin Del Sol 1'01.631 1'01.984● 1'01.631
21104CShintaro NishidaEXIGEYH/S  1'01.672 1'01.698● 1'01.672
22 50DNobuaki HagiwaraRoadster NCECYH/RHarada Kart Club Roadster NCEC 1'02.816 1'02.913● 1'02.816
23 40CTsuji MasayaAccord CL7DL/R  1'02.834 1'04.687● 1'02.834
24100BHiroyuki AndoAltezza SXE-10YH/R  1'03.160 1'03.673● 1'03.160
25 36CYuu ImanishiRoadster NA8CBS/R  1'03.706 1'04.031● 1'03.706
26103CChihiro YamadaEXIGEYH/R  1'03.901 1'06.231● 1'03.901
27 33CKARUBE TSUTOMUS2000 AP-1BS/SOFFICIAL Kansai Club 1'04.045 1'04.716● 1'04.045
28 32CKuniharu KusumotoRoadster NCBS/RIt's been a while since I participated. 1'04.143● 1'04.143 1'04.157
29 37CKoji TsujinoS2000 ABA-AP1BS/R  1'04.467 1'07.575● 1'04.467
30 39CRyo KatsuraRoadster NA8CDL/RI want to aim for a time in the 1 minute 2 second range. 1'04.571 1'05.707● 1'04.571
31 94BAkihiro FujimotoS2000 AP1BS/R  1'05.737 1'07.140● 1'05.737
32 99CYuu TachitaIntegra DC2BS/RIt's my first time. I'm nervous. 1'08.117● 1'08.117 