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11th REV SPEED Suzuka Challenge Club Grand Prix
CHALLENGE CLUB class 2 Overall Results

DATE:2010-01-03 International Racing Course 5.807km
Pos. No. Gr. Tire Driver Machine Team/Car Best Time 1st Attack 2nd Attack
1 77BSTakio UedaHonda Civic 2'27.783● 2'27.783 2'27.984
2 78BSTomonori SuginoToyota Celica 2'28.678● 2'28.678 2'28.830
3 82BSTakashi MitaniHonda RG-O 2'28.744● 2'28.744 2'28.756
4 84BSYusuke KawasakiHonda RG-O 2'29.272● 2'29.272 2'29.819
5 75BSMasao ShimizuHonda Civic 2'30.371 2'31.466● 2'30.371
6 62BRMotoharu SugiyaHonda Integra TYPE-RRG-O+ Fish Racing 2'31.845● 2'31.845 2'32.145
7 81BSHirofumi TakaiHonda RG-O 2'32.220 2'32.233● 2'32.220
8 83BSYoshinori MatsumiyaHonda RG-O 2'33.029● 2'33.029 2'33.335
9 74BSMitsuru TakemuraHonda Civic 2'33.153 2'33.438● 2'33.153
10 54BSMakoto KiseHonda CivicTRACE Makochin No. 53 2'34.968 2'37.175● 2'34.968
11 66BSNobuki YanagidaHonda Civic 2'37.155 2'39.530● 2'37.155
12 56BSHaruki OshimaHonda IntegraHonda Cars Aichi 2'37.633 2'38.259● 2'37.633
13 51BSHiroki MaedaHonda IntegraBest Sports Car EMC Inte 2'37.699 2'38.095● 2'37.699
14 53BSNaotaka MizutaniHonda IntegraI hate Degner... 2'37.817 2'38.701● 2'37.817
15 79BRKazuho KojimaHonda Integra 2'38.279● 2'38.279 2'39.390
16 91BRMasayasu YamadaHonda Civic Type R 2'38.324 2'42.742● 2'38.324
17 85BRYoshiaki FuchimotoHonda Integra 2'38.948 2'40.268● 2'38.948
18 70BSKiyoshi HasegawaNissan Primera 2'39.269 2'40.560● 2:39.269
19 88BSYoshikatsu FukunagaHonda E-DC2 2'39.499● 2'39.499 2'39.635
20 65BRToshiyuki NishioHonda Civic Type RIt's my first time! The long-awaited return to my hometown - FD2 2'39.645 2'43.686● 2:39.645
21 68BRKun ShinodaBMW Mini Cooper SShinoken Baby☆Gang 2'40.145● 2'40.145 2'41.164
22 87BRMasahiro HonjoHonda Civic Type R 2'41.432● 2'41.432 2'42.828
23 61BRAtsushi TezukaHonda Civic TYPE-RI will do my best to achieve my personal best. 2'42.015 2'42.305● 2'42.015
24 67BRTakeshi HamamotoHonda Civic Type RI'm looking forward to the first drive for both the car and the course. 2'42.203 2'44.179● 2'42.203
25 69BRShigeo FukuiHonda Civic Type RIt's been a year like this, but I will participate anyway. 2'43.857 2'44.934● 2'43.857
26 92BRMasao HamabeHonda Accord Euro R 2'45.451 2'50.686● 2'45.451
27 76BRKazuki SuzukiHonda Integra 2'45.966 2'54.903● 2'45.966
28 71BRYukihisa KitayaBMW E-BE18 2'46.548 2'59.699● 2'46.548
29 72BSSuzuki KanameBMW Mini 2'49.497● 2'49.497
30 60BRKazuya MakinoHonda IntegraBroken Wing Sedan 2'49.767● 2'49.767 2'51.121
31 29ARDaisuke MoritaHonda Civic Type RDo your best in normal! 2'50.046 2'56.272● 2'50.046
32 64BRKen HasegawaToyota CelicaTarget time of 2 minutes and 40 seconds! 2'52.540● 2:52.540
33 34ARMiyake FutoMINI COOPER SIt's an open differential, but I'll do my best. 2'53.940 2'57.457● 2'53.940
34 33ARKyuichiro ItoRenault LuteciaThis year, I will strive for a time in the 2-minute 40-second range. 2'53.996 2'55.166● 2'53.996
35 28ARNoriyuki MukoyamaHonda Integra SiRThis time, the rear seats will be removed. 2'55.288 2'55.588● 2'55.288
36 57BRMasato TakahashiHonda Civic Type R 2'57.117 2'57.139● 2'57.117
37 32ASMasami SakakiAlfa Romeo 145QV 2'58.180● 2'58.180Unable to measure
38 30ARTakanori SatoFIAT PUNTO HGT2010 Circuit Debut! 2'59.423 3'08.616● 2'59.423
39 58BRNaruo TakagiToyota Celica 3'00.918 3'04.667● 3'00.918
40 59BRNaoki TakahashiHonda Avancier 3'05.155 3'10.883● 3'05.155
41 73BRToshimitsu TakamaHonda Integra 3'07.744● 3'07.744 3'08.942
42 80BRHiroshi KayanoHonda Accord Euro R 3'12.574● 3'12.574 3'13.359
43 86BRHideo ShiotaHonda Integra 3'14.769● 3'14.769
44 27ARTadahiro OsawaToyota Corolla RunxCircuit beginner. First time at Suzuka 3'16.428 3'23.210● 3'16.428
45 63BRTomofumi AshiiAlfa Romeo 156 3'18.053 3'18.345● 3'18.053
46 31ARKoichi TogakuboHonda Civic Type R2010, the start of the racing season. 3'20.595 3'32.207● 3'20.595