Suzuka Clubman Race
2009 Suzuka Clubman Race Final Round
RS Neo Historic Car Official Results

DATE:2009-12-13 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International Racing Course 5.807km
Pos. No. Cls. Driver Type Team/Car Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 4RS1Atsushi SatoSK-93Iburidacel NGK Mist SK-938 16'59.954163.97km/h 2'05.924
2 3RS2Takahiko ShimazawaSK52Cokamada☆Oscar Racing☆Mist 528 17'14.494 14.540 14.540 2'08.061
3 2RS3Toshiya ItoSK52Meiji Step Ito Ladies Care Clinic8 17'19.980 20.026 5.486 2'08.525
4 10RS4Tatsushi YoshidaSK90AUTOBACS DUNLOP BP SK908 17'25.257 25.303 5.277 2'08.561
5 11RS5Tomokuni WakiSK52Mist RS Club8 17'26.950 26.996 1.693 2'09.270
6 5RS6Tadakatsu HashiSK-93Suzuka Trading Mist SK-938 17'35.096 35.142 8.146 2'07.848
7 7RS7Nobuo KuboKK-LMTamTam☆MYST・KK-LM Brake Shop8 17'59.929 59.975 24.833R 2'03.482
8 16NE1Ben ShibuyaVIVACE-908CAR CARE OFFICE 9088 18'57.121 1'57.167 57.192 2'21.629
9 27NE2Hoshihide HasegawaVIVACE-908GRID×FK4・VIVACE-9088 18'57.706 1'57.752 0.585 2'21.655
10 23NE3Takeshi IwataVIVACE-7KORC GRID78 19'26.348 2'26.394 28.642 2'23.814
Total laps completed:
* 21NEIppei ItazuVIVACE-7K-one VIVACE-7Disqualification

Start Time: 09:49'14
End time: 10:06'13

Cars with the "R" mark have updated the Course Records. The previous record time was (RS) 2'03.504

Best lap time during the race: 7 Kubo Nobuo TamTam☆MYST・KK-LM Brake Shop 2'03.482 8/8 169.30km/h

Laps Required 5

A driving through penalty was imposed on No.21. (According to Article 53-1 of the 2009 Suzuka Clubman Race Series Special Regulations) (False Start)
No.21 was disqualified. (According to Article 74-3 of the 2009 Suzuka Clubman Race Series Special Regulations) (Failure to comply with the above penalty)