
Coins that you can earn as a reward for working hard at attractions or helping with cleanup at restaurants.
(This is for children under elementary school age.)
You can exchange two Pucchi for snacks or popcorn in the park!

This is where you can get a Puchi!

Putti Town Kitchen When you can clean up by yourself. Puchicoin
Bun Bun Pancake Shop When you can clean up by yourself. Puchicoin
Run-run Balloon When you score 100 points in the task game. Puchicoin Puchicoin

You can use Puchi here!

Puchitree It will become a tree-planting fund. Puchicoin
Putti Town Store You can exchange for snacks and goods. Puchicoin Puchicoin
Adven Curry You can exchange for mini popcorn. Puchicoin Puchicoin
Bun Bun Pancake Shop Mobile Food Truck

*During business hours only

You can exchange for mini popcorn. Puchicoin Puchicoin
Moto Oasis You can exchange for mini popcorn. Puchicoin Puchicoin
Run-Run Pop You can exchange for mini popcorn. Puchicoin Puchicoin
Den Bun Garden Café You can exchange for mini popcorn. Puchicoin Puchicoin