ene-1Puto's MOBI PARK

ene-1 (ene-1)

Work together as a family and aim to finish!

"ene-1" is an attraction that competes in "driving distance" with a constant amount of energy.
If you run out of energy, you'll finish even before the goal.
Adjust the accelerator while watching the eco meter on the control panel, and aim to complete 400m!

  • Passport OK
  • Available for ages 2 and up
  • Experience limited energy!

    Experience limited energy!

    "ene-1" is an attraction that competes for "driving distance" with a fixed amount of energy. If you run out of energy, the game will end even before you reach the finish line. Adjust the accelerator while watching the eco-meter on the control panel, and aim to complete 400 meters!!

  • Cooperate with family and friends!

    Cooperate with family and friends!

    The seats on the left and right for the driver are reserved for supporters.
    Supporters, let's move the "Energy Charger" to assist the drivers!!

Capacity 4 people
Target 3rd grade and above.
Children aged 2 to 2nd grade must be accompanied by someone in middle school or older.
Fees 600yen / 1 person

Get your ene-1 license!

  • S-Class License

    ene-1 S-Class License

    Acquisition Conditions
    If you can complete 400m, you will receive the "ene-1 S-Class License."
  • A-Class License

    ene-1 A-Class License

    Acquisition Conditions
    If you can drive over 370m, you get the "ene-1 A-Class License."