
Commitment to Sustainability

  • At the FORMULA 1 JAPANESE GRAND PRIX, we will challenge a new form of spectator sports that enhances sustainability while enjoying Motorsports, aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030.
  • The regular power used at the Racing Course utilizes environmental value derived from sources such as hydroelectric power and solar power, effectively using "Green Electricity"* which is 100% renewable energy.
    * CO2 free electricity based on environmental value provided by Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Ltd. through non-fossil certificates

    By using plant-based containers and cutlery in our food and beverage establishments, we are working to reduce disposable plastics and promote recycling by encouraging you to participate in waste separation and collection.

    Free water stations are set up throughout the venue, so you can also use your own bottle.
  • SUZUKA CIRCUIT has received the highest FIA environmental certification of 3 stars
  • SUZUKA CIRCUIT has been awarded the highest rating of three stars in the International Automobile Federation (FIA) environmental certification program.

    The FIA Environmental Certification Program evaluates the environmental management of stakeholders in motorsports activities and the automotive industry worldwide based on 17 sections of assessment criteria, rating organizations' environmental responsiveness in three levels. SUZUKA CIRCUIT has been recognized for its environmental management system aimed at creating a sustainable future, which has expanded its efforts since earning a two-star rating in 2023, and has now achieved the highest rating of three stars.

    In the future, we will further accelerate this initiative towards carbon neutrality for motorsports events, and work on addressing global environmental and social issues by utilizing the practical field of fostering mobility culture, promoting motorsports, and developing human resources.