
About the Virtual Waiting Room

The wait time may increase or decrease, but why is that?

The waiting time is an estimate.
Wait times may vary depending on the congestion of the site.

While in the virtual waiting room, will my turn be maintained if I view other pages, leave the screen, or go into sleep mode?

If your browser's cookie settings are enabled and you do not close the virtual waiting room or the browser, your place in line will not be lost even if your computer or smartphone goes into sleep mode or if you are doing other things.
If you return before your turn, your position will be maintained.
However, if you do not access the Mobility Station within 10 minutes after your turn comes, your turn will be invalidated.
Please check the screen regularly.
Additionally, if you do not make your purchase within 30 minutes from the time your turn comes at the Mobility Station, you will need to wait in line again, and all operations will need to be restarted from the beginning, so please be aware of this.
* The time when your turn comes will be displayed when access becomes available.

How can I tell if it's my turn?

If you are displaying the waiting screen, it will automatically move to the "Access is now available" screen.
If you are looking at another tab or doing something else, you will not receive notifications, so please check the waiting screen regularly.
Please note that if there is no access within 10 minutes after your turn, it will be invalid.

What happens if you don't realize it's your turn?

If you exceed the limit, you will need to wait in line again.
Please check the waiting screen regularly.
Please be aware that there are no notifications regarding excess.

What happens if cookie settings are disabled?

The waiting line is not functioning properly.
Please enable cookie settings to access.

Are there any recommended environments?

It is the same as the recommended environment for MobilityStation.
Please check "Recommended Environment" from the usage guide Q&A.