
Parking Reservation Service "Toku P"

SUZUKA CIRCUIT and Chubu Electric Mirai Connect Co., Ltd. (Chubu Electric Mirai Connect) signed a "Cooperation Agreement on the Utilization of Parking Share Services" on March 24, 2023. Based on this agreement, we will collaborate and cooperate to solve local issues such as parking shortages and traffic congestion around the "SUZUKA CIRCUIT" during the holding of Motorsports events by utilizing the parking share service "Toku P" developed by Chubu Electric Mirai Connect.

Reservations for April 4 (Fri) to April 6 (Sun) will start on March 6 (Thu) to March 8 (Sat).

Parking Lot Name Location Opening Date and Time Amount Other Information
F.C.C. Parking Lot (FORMULA 1 JAPANESE GRAND PRIX Exclusive)
F.C.C. Parking Lot
  • Restroom Installation
  • Car camping allowed
  • Security Personnel On Duty
Reservation starts on March 6 (Thu)
5421 Misono-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture ①4th (Fri) 22:00~24:00
②5th (Sat) 0:00~24:00
③6th (Sun) 0:00~22:00
4,000yen Approximately 1.3km to the Reverse Bank Gate
Approximately 1.7km to the Chicane Gate
Yoshizawa Co., Ltd. Employee Parking Lot
Yoshizawa Co., Ltd. Employee Parking Lot
  • Equipped with flush toilets
  • Car camping allowed
  • Security Personnel On Duty
  • Gravel
Reservation starts on March 7 (Fri)
4057-3 Misono-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture
Yoshizawa Co., Ltd. Employee Parking Lot
①5th (Sat) 0:00~24:00
②6th (Sun) 0:00~23:00
8,000yen Approximately 650m to the Reverse Bank Gate
Approximately 750m to the Chicane Gate
Yoshizawa Co., Ltd. Customer Parking
Yoshizawa Co., Ltd. Customer Parking
  • Equipped with flush toilets
  • Car camping allowed
  • Security Personnel On Duty
  • Concrete Pavement
Reservation starts on March 7 (Fri)
4057-3 Misono-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture
Yoshizawa Co., Ltd. Customer Parking
①5th (Sat) 0:00~24:00
②6th (Sun) 0:00~23:00
9,000yen Approximately 650m to the Reverse Bank Gate
Approximately 750m to the Chicane Gate
Mie Paved Parking Lot
Mie Paved Parking Lot
  • Restroom Installation
  • Car camping allowed
  • Security Personnel On Duty
Reservation starts on March 6 (Thu)
6722-58 Ishizuka, Sumiyoshi-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture ①4th (Fri) 22:00~24:00
②5th (Sat) 0:00~24:00
③6th (Sun) 0:00~22:00
8,000yen Approximately 1.1km to the Main Gate
Honda World (Technical Sports) Parking Lot
Honda World (Technical Sports) Parking Lot
  • Good Access
Reservation starts on March 6 (Thu)
6786 Sumiyoshi-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture ①4th (Fri) 0:00~24:00
②5th (Sat) 0:00~24:00
③6th (Sun) 0:00~24:00
8,000yen Approximately 1.1km to the Main Gate
Chubu Electric Power Grid Suzuka Sales Office Visitor Parking
Chubu Electric Power Grid Suzuka Sales Office
Visitor Parking
  • Compact Cars Only
  • Concrete Pavement
Reservation starts on March 7 (Fri)
4-19-22 Hayama, Shono, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture ①5th (Sat) 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM
②6th (Sun) 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM
2,000yen Approximately 3.8km to the Main Gate

*The amount and rental conditions may change.

Affordable parking near SUZUKA CIRCUIT is available here (external site)

Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Connect

For details about the parking reservation service "Toku P", please click here (external site)