If you have lost an item, please register using the "Lost Item Registration Form" below.
Precautions for Lost Item Registration
- Please register for the form yourself if you have lost it.
*If it is difficult for the individual to register due to reasons such as being a minor or having a disability, please have a guardian register on their behalf.
- We will contact you by email or phone only if lost items are found.
We do not contact you if not found. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have selected "shipping with payment on delivery" for the return method of lost items found, we may ship without contacting you.
- There may be cases where we cannot respond to searches for lost items that have exceeded the storage period based on the Lost Property Act.
- Items that cannot be identified as belonging to a specific owner or are difficult to store for hygiene reasons will be handled in accordance with the Lost Property Act.
- After registering the form, an automatic reply email will be sent.
Please set up to receive emails from the domain "@mobilityland.jp".