Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

  • For inquiries via the internet, please use the "Contact Form."
  • We will handle your personal information and the content you provide with strict confidentiality when you contact us via the internet.
    >>About the Handling of Personal Information on the Honda Mobilityland Corporation Website
  • The email response from us will be sent directly to the individual customer. Please refrain from reproducing or reusing any part or all of it.
  • Please note that it may take time to respond to inquiries and opinions. If you are in a hurry, we kindly ask that you contact us by phone. Also, please understand that there may be cases where we cannot provide a response. Your valuable feedback will be reflected in the future operation of the facility.

Contact Information

Inquiries by Phone



Reception Hours / 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Hotel and Restaurant Reservations and Inquiries
SUZUKA CIRCUIT Reservation Center

Accommodation Reservation Dedicated Dial 0570-044-489 (Navi Dial)
For inquiries regarding reservations at the SUZUKA CIRCUIT HOTEL during the navigation dial voice guidance, please press the "1" button (you can operate it even during the voice guidance).

Reception Hours / 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

For various requests and inquiries, we are available 24 hours a day through the AI Concierge.
Please feel free to use this if the phone lines are busy outside of business hours.

Motorsports / Suzuka Motorsports Club (SMSC) Office
Inquiries about SMSC Membership and Sports Driving

Reception Hours / 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Race TicketInquiries Regarding
Mobility Station

Reception Hours / 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Traffic Education Center
Inquiries about 2 wheels and 4 wheels schools, and Safety Driving Training

Reception Hours / 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Group Reservations and Inquiries (15 or more people)
SUZUKA CIRCUIT Group Reservations Only

Reception Hours / 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Weekdays)



7992 Inao-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture 510-0295
TEL: 059-378-1111 FAX: 059-378-9181

Honda Mobilityland


7992 Inao-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture 510-0295
TEL: 059-378-1111 (Representative)

Tokyo Office

150-6139 Shibuya 2-24-12, Shibuya Scramble Square 39F, Shibuya, Tokyo

*The content is subject to change without notice.
*The displayed price is the total amount.
*The photos and illustrations used are for illustration purposes only.